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A Message of Hope For All Newbies


New Member
I thought I would post this message in the hope it gives at least a few of my fellow newbies a bit of heart. It may make the ' seasoned professionals ' shake their heads but hey, they were newbies once you know.

I first heard about internet marketing a couple of years ago. Since then I have looked at several 'tutorial' sites but they quickly flew over my head and , I always became dejected and gave up. Then a couple of months later I would go back to the internet marketing idea and inevitably the same cycle would happen all over again.

Then about a monmth and a half ago I stumbled across this forum site by total accident. I sat and watched for a while before I had the courage to sign up and take part. My first post 'What should My content be?' was added on the 22nd of Sept. 2010.

Through the posts on this site I found a marketing site called 'The Mad Marketing Method'. It is a free tutorial ( at least it is so far ) which has taught me how to get articles I have written posted on to sites which also allow me to advertise products which I have decided to promote from clickbank. Don't worry, I am not about to tell you, " In the last 3 weeks I have made 5 million dollars. So sign up Now!" Far from it!!

In the last week I have written 4 articles on my favourite subject, golf. I have them posted on to the GoArticles site. As I write this, just over 100 people have viewed and read my articles. Don't get me wrong, no-one has bought the articles I am promoting but it's only been 5 days.

But here's the point of this story. In TWO YEARS of searching the net to learn how to get started in internet marketing I had managed to progress absolutely nowhere. The only thing I had done was become dissillusioned with the whole notion of getting into internet marketing at all.

Now, through the resources I found on this forum site, I have not only made a start, but I have 4 articles on the internet that have been read by over 100 PEOPLE. That idea just blows me away. Granted I have made no money from them, but 100 people have read what I wrote.

Now this may have some people thinking, "So what? You haven't made a penny." Well that's true. But the confidence this has given me is beyond words. If I can write an article that can be seen, then it means that I can write an article that will eventually SELL. I honestly have no words to tell you how much this inspires me. ( which may surprise you after the size of this post )

As I say, the ' seasoned prfessionals ' may not be too impressed, but I bet some of them are reading this with a little smile on their faces because they probably recognise themselves from the past in this .
I have INTENTIONALLY NOT put a link to my 4 articles in this post because as I say I am selling something in those articles. And trying to sell something is NOT the intention of this post.

The intention is partly to thank 5 star for that push forward but mainly to tell ALL newbies NEVER to give up. It might have taken me two years but at last I genuinely feel I am moving upwards and onwards. Can't wait til the day I come back to tell you all I have made my first sale. Thanks to all!!

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I'm glad you didn't give up. Most people will tell you that making money in Internet marketing is easy. It isn't. You have to think of this as a career. The more education you get, the more you network with others in the field, the more you experiment and try new ways to market, the more you will understand how to be successful. There is no such thing as "get rich quick". Those guys who tout their books about making it big neglect to tell you how many hours a day they spent perfecting their techniques.
So keep working at it.
That is terrific, Gary. It's great you're recognizing and celebrating the non-monetary victories that will lead to monetary ones! You focused on one thing and did it well, and it will pay off at some point, hopefully soon.

Thanks for sharing it with us!
Geuss What I Did ??

On the 7th of October this year I added a post to this forum headed, "A Message Of Hope For All Newbies" in the newbies section. If you can be bothered to go and read it , it might help you understand my feelings as I write this post.
<br>If you can't be bothered here is a quick recap.
<br>In that post I wrote that I had searched the Internet for two years, yes you did read that correctly, two years, for a good FREE tutorial internet marketing site. I had found plenty of sites, but I soon realized that all they were doing was trying to suck me into buying their " Here's How I Made 10 Squidillion Dollars in LESS THAN 5 Minutes " ebook.
<br>Disappointment after disappointment followed and I gave up on the whole idea a few times.
<br>Eventually I found this forum site and through it found the Mad Marketing Method which I read. It showed me how to write articles on article submission sites. Set up a blog and monetise the blog. ALL a lot simpler than it sounds.
<br>At the end of that last post I said "I can't wait to come back and tell you all that I have made my first sale"
<br>Well geuss what I did?? Yep ! I connected my golf blog to Adsense and today I made my first ?1.20. ( Yes. it's in pounds. I'm Scottish ). There are no words, there are just no words to say what I'm feeling right now.
<br>I know, I know, it's only ?1.20. But it's my FIRST money I have ever made on the internet. God I'm so happy !!!!
<br>The only way is forward folks and I know you've probably heard this a million times from a million con men but I sincerely promise you this. If I can do this, YOU can do this. Remember, I'm in the Newbie section too !!
<br>Thanks to all at 5 star. You're up there with Dylan in my book !
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Sounds interesting.

I am completely new at this. So new I dont really have much of an idea what this

Have signed up for Mad Marketing Method and will try out. Will let u know how i get on.

Work in Glasgow too.
Message for clunks

You've landed lucky then. If you are so new to this affiliate lark that you don't really know what it is, and you have found this forum site already, you are about 2 years in front of me. !!
<br>I have only got as far as lesson 7 on mad marketing and I have stopped reading it. NOT because I don't like it. It's because I am concentrating on the blog I have set up and my GoArticles. Toaday I made another ?1.14
<br>Granted, again it is no fortune, but as I keep saying, I am a newbie as well. It does go to show that there IS potential in this whole thing.
<br>I know there are people who make very good livings at this so do yourself a favour clunks and stick with it. Secret is not giving up. Keep in touch. You'll always find me through this thread. Hope this helps. Any questions, newbie to newbie, just ask.
<br>Just remember, There are NO stupid questions