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63 Free Ways To Increase Your Blog/Site Traffic


New Member
1. Join MyBlogLog, Blog Catalog, add friends, and join communities.
2. Answer the question in Yahoo! Answer and put resource link to your site, be active
3. Use a ping service like pingomatic to ping RSS aggregators.
4. Submit your blog to all of the directories on Robin Good’s list of RSS directories.
5. Use many taglines to your post
6. Leave comments on blogs/site in some high PR site.
7. Tell your friends about your blog and specific posts by email or you can do this by offline like telephone
8. Put your blog URL in your forum signatures and be active poster
9. Submit your site into High PR Directory Submission
10. Submit your Article to Social Bookmarking site
11. Tagged your image with alt="" and title=""
12. Make a good post
13. Ask someone to subscribe to RSS feed
14. Answer any questions on forums related to your niche with a link to one of your blog posts.
15. Set up a Google analystics and put that on your blog.
16. Make Recent Comment post
17. Use Common pictures. Most of the top PR blogs use pictures in their posts.
18. Use video on your blog.
19. Find out what people needs and post it.
20. Use Google Trends to find out popular searches
21. Use One of Google Tools to find good keywords to use in your posts
22. Hard to find good news?! then use Google News or Google Blog Search and find what's the popular post that have the most commented
23. Use Traffic Exchange, i'd recommend you to use Manual surf only because Auto surf wont gain visitor but traffic
24. Sign up your blog at LinkRefferal
25. Ask your readers to submit and share your post to Social Bookmarking site
26. Use more Blogging Tool to enhance your content
27. Interview with well known people that have been in SEO for couple of years
28. Give more backlink
29. Dont give up and keep on trying
30. Do link exchange to other people site, ask for it
31. Promote your blog/site in a forum where there is a section to post that
32. Add entrecard to your blog
33. Get close with your visitor, be nice
34. Participate in blog carnivals.
35. Start a group blog. These tend to get more traffic, because more people are creating content and more people are promoting it.
36. Promote your blog from Text Link rotation ads like Adsvert or AdGridWork
37. Join SpicyPage and promote your blog on it.
38. Add a plug-in to notify users of new comments
39. Add a tell-a-friend script or plug-in to your posts.
40. Ask your visitors to bookmark your page in their browser
41. Make it easy for people to memorize your blog/.site link
42. Use easy-to-read fonts.
43. Use a good layout and template, get some design
44. Make your blog easy to navigate.
45. Highlight your most popular posts.
46. Use good keywords in your post titles.
47. Offer free stuff related to your niche (tools, ebooks, etc)
48. Run a blog contest
49. Promote your blog by publishing videos on YouTube with the URL for your site at the beginning and end of the video.
50. Install a translation plug-in or use a translation service to translate your blog into foreign languages.
51. Create Tag Cloud to determine your popular categories
52. Search for Wikis related to your niche to submit your blog to. For example, for this blog the search phrase would be “make money online wiki” or “internet marketing wiki”.
53. Give regular polls
54. Join 43 Things and write a list of 43 things you want to achieve (include your blog url in the list).
55. Join Blogger Party (and/or other free blog systems). Then write posts that link back to your blog.
56. Make a Squidoo lens with a link to your blog.
57. Create a MySpace/Friendter/Facebook Page. Put your blog on it, and get some friends.
58. Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
59. Use good grammar. People will be happy with your writing skill.
60. Post frequently.
61. Submit your site to free website review sites like coolsiteoftheday.
62. Give out blogging awards and tell the bloggers you are giving the awards to about it.
63. Let us Pray
