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3 (Or More) Secrets To Success For Newbie Affiliate Marketers...

Joseph Ratliff

<b>5 Star Success Guru</b>
I get a TON of emails from new affiliates wanting the "secret" to making money in affiliate marketing.

This post is my answer to that question, plus some good insight for you to take and apply right you can begin to make money.

Secret #1 Keep it simple

I know you probably hear (or have heard) this mantra over and over again. You may even be considering whether or not to continue reading this post. Your loss. ;)

Keeping it simple is probably the biggest secret to newbie affiliate success that will have the biggest impact on your future as an affiliate marketer.


There is a TON of information out there (and here in this forum) about how to make money as an affiliate...but if you keep looking for "the magic secret"...I hate to disappoint doesn't exist, there isn't one.

So part of keeping it simple is to quit looking...and get to work! You will make mistakes, you will fail repeatedly, and that path will get you to success faster than any "secrets" the gurus are peddling to you.

Re-read the above statement at least 3 times. Many won't heed this advice, and will continue to keep looking for that "magic shortcut"...and end up closing up shop. The ones who truly heed this advice will have 50% of the journey to profits completed...period.

Secret #2 The Plan

Another part of Keeping It Simple is to have a plan.

Not a 55 page $25,000 business plan...but a basic outline of what you plan to accomplish, when you plan to accomplish it, and how you plan to accomplish it.

I suggest you get a hardcover journal from an office supply store...and use it. Every time you want to add to or modify your plan (which you will)...use the same journal.

It will become your first ebook...but that's another story. :cool:

But I also want you to notice the bolded words past the "Not a 55 page..." above. The word you.

Another critical mistake newbies make is trying to find out the whole path to success before they even try to blaze the path themselves.

A few common threads in this forum prove my case...

"Can you really make money online as an affiliate?"
"How do I make fast money as an affiliate?"
"Does [technique inserted here] really work?"
Or any variation of the above...

Find out for yourself with your own plan people! I have discovered more stuff that works by testing myself and failing/succeeding...where others have stated the opposite...than you can imagine :D

If you are one of those types of people who like to "learn" before you start trying to build an affiliate business...I have a revelation for you...

Secret #3 You already know how to succeed...

You will only use about 5 - 15% of what you learn (if you actually apply it), and have BIG success, just from taking massive action on what you already know or have learned.

The rest will just go to waste. And, even more importantly, the leverage and time you will have lost by trying to "learn it all upfront" will be totally wasted...because quite will never have the time to use it.

So go do something today...quit trying to figure it all out beforehand...keep it simple...and fail your way to massive success.

Have a great day 5-Star Members.

So, so, so true. And to add, so many people spend way too much time trying to find all the pieces of the puzzle before they start and they never get started. Grab a handfull of pieces and start putting them together. By the time you get 10% of the way through you may find you are not even working on the same puzzle you thought you had. But you will start to see the puzzle picture. It will start to take form, but only if you start.

It's all a work in progress. Keep it simple like Joseph said, keep a list (things to do, what you've done that worked and what did not). Keep at it every day. Learn as you go, learn from your mistakes, never be afraid to try new things and ask questions.
So, so, so true. And to add, so many people spend way too much time trying to find all the pieces of the puzzle before they start and they never get started. Grab a handfull of pieces and start putting them together. By the time you get 10% of the way through you may find you are not even working on the same puzzle you thought you had. But you will start to see the puzzle picture. It will start to take form, but only if you start.

It's all a work in progress. Keep it simple like Joseph said, keep a list (things to do, what you've done that worked and what did not). Keep at it every day. Learn as you go, learn from your mistakes, never be afraid to try new things and ask questions.

And use that hardcover journal from the office supply store. I am writing my current ebook from mine ;) It will eventually turn out to be your "story".
So go do something today...quit trying to figure it all out beforehand...keep it simple...and fail your way to massive success.

Love that whole post and so true! Thanks Joseph!

So, so, so true. And to add, so many people spend way too much time trying to find all the pieces of the puzzle before they start and they never get started. Grab a handfull of pieces and start putting them together. By the time you get 10% of the way through you may find you are not even working on the same puzzle you thought you had. But you will start to see the puzzle picture. It will start to take form, but only if you start.

Ron I have tried to many ways to say what you did so clearly with the puzzle analogy.
I'll have to quote you and borrow it when the need arises.