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19 year old SUPER Affiliate Makes 200,000 a Month - Here's How!

Linda Buquet

New Member
One of my very favorite SUPER Affiliate blogs these days is <strong><a href="">Uber Affiliate</a></strong>.

<a href=""><img src='' alt='Uber Affiliate' align="left" hspace="10" /></a>
It's written by a 19 year old named <a href="">Paul Bourque</a> that makes $200,000 PLUS a month. <strong>What's amazing is not only that Paul is only 19 - but he just got started in affiliate marketing about a year ago!</strong> Paul shares openly, giving detailed tips for success.

Paul started gaining some notoriety when he posted a screen shot of his Azoogle stats - <strong><a href="">$200,000 for the month</a></strong>. And that was only Azoogle earnings, he also made decent money with some other undisclosed networks.

<strong>Here are a couple of my fav UBER Quotes & a couple of the best blog posts:</strong>
<blockquote><strong>"Study hard, never give up, and DON'T BE AFRAID. Being scared to lose money is the worst pitfall in the road to success online.

"The biggest secrets come not from reading an eBook or blog, but from discovering them yourself."</strong>

<strong><a href="">Uber Affiliate Marketing Guide</a></strong> - Very in-depth free getting started guide plus advanced affiliate tips and resources.

<strong><a href="">Affiliate Marketing on a Low Budget</a></strong> - Some really good tips especially for getting started with PPC. </blockquote>
He's also having a <a href="">contest</a> right now and giving away free advertising. That's not why I wrote this post however. I've blogged about some of Paul's best individual articles in the past and just thought it was time to give the blog as a whole, the props it deserves! Well done Paul!
Amazing :) I feel somewhat sad because I'm 18 years old. I'll work hella hard to become better than him :D

The quote that impressed me the most was the first one... A lot of times I'm scared of spending money on ideas. I'll try not to be anymore.

Thanks for the post Linda.
You are VERY welcome. Always happy to share inspirational stories.

Some things all these big PPC super affiliates that are earning over 100K a month have in common.

They invested LOTS of money testing and trying things to find out what works.

They tried LOTS of things, much of it did not work, but they kept trying and did not give up.

They found ways to generate LOTS of traffic! It takes a lot of traffic to make big money.