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  1. Honeybadger

    Store or Shop - what is correct?

    If you made a ecommerce web site that lists fashion products do most people call it shop or store? I did some searches on Google Store --> 11,620,000,000 Shop --> 10,920,000,000 Web Shop -- > 32,800,000 Web Store --> 27,000,000 Online Store --> 398,000,000 Online Shop --> 384,000,000 E Shop...
  2. PiQano

    [Guide + Case Study]: How to start with Shopify & E-Commerce

    Hello, it's been a long very long time since i shared or posted a new guide or case study in this great community.. well i want to say that i am BACK :D and ready to share something that may encourage people to take action and work. if you are old in this forum you may know that i worked in...