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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. Honeybadger

    Write better headlines with this free tool

    Can you improve this headline? I scored 86/100 Try it: No affiliation, just sharing
  2. brutebiz

    BEST Optimization for Pop Traffic Placements (PropellerAds)

    Hi all smart marketers! I'm new here, and this is my first thread! I'm running a campaign on PropellerAds and I'm sorting out all the bad placements with the strategy of blacklisting a Zone ID ones it has spent 1x offer payout (I'm on a tight budget). I have seen some good converting...
  3. B

    10000 vistor from popup is enogh for optimizing ?

    Hello Guyes is 10000 visitor for for mobile is enough to know wheather to stay and optimise this campaign or move to next offer ?