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  1. shafi kasmani

    Simple Adclerks Banner Ads + Clickbank Product Guides

    You Know Buysellads, so it looks likes Adclerks! Adclerks are banner advertising ads! it is very low cost! you watch guide video below I purchased $10 per 30 days Reports Stats Days - 12 days Impressions - 7022 Clicks - 123 CTR - 1.75%
  2. WingoAds

    Selling Wingoads-Innovative Ad Network. Full screen ads

    Wingoads is a CPM ad network targeting Mobile & Desktop clients. We offer webmasters and web app owners a new way to monetize traffic. Advertisers can Geo, Os, Device Target and more these features make wingoads a powerful tool for advertisers or app developers that need exposure.
  3. b222b2

    I'm Totally New to online Marketing and bing ppc banned!

    Hey Buddies, I've been accepted in maxbounty network. Suddenly my bing PPC had been terminated for any reason. Also buysellads account has been terminated with my $100. Now I'm in some kind of depression. What about you there?