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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate


  1. A

    Is traffic necessary when applying to Affliliate programs?

    I have built over several years a well built small niche site with what i believe to be well written orgifinal content . However, since this is my first site , i released my site all at once doh! and have no traffic plus appear dismally low on google search results if at all! Almost everwhere i...
  2. S

    Where can I buy traffic search queries via redirect?

    Hello! Not the first week trying to find quality search engine traffic. Advise please, where can be such find. Also interested in the live product subjects of search traffic. Example: technique, clothing, anything (examples: "Canon 5D", "Samsung Galaxy", "Levi's jeans"). Google Adwords, Bing Ads...
  3. thehustler

    Share A Sale declined app and refused to give reason

    Hi, so my app was declined so I then and there sent an email to them saying I don't have anything that violates their terms. And when I asked for a reason, they said and I quote the answer - "In order to maintain the integrity of our network, we are unable to go into more detail as to why your...
  4. Ross Bartlett

    Hello from an Application Developer

    My name is Ross Bartlett. I have been a web developer for over 20 years, and as of recently an online application developer. I developed the Open D Engagement CRM application ( designed to help SMEs better engage with and build better online relationships with their audiences...