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affiliate marketing platform

  1. SexTech

    Looking for an Adult Affiliate Marketing Platform

    Hi friends, I am looking for a platform where I can sign up as a Merchant. We're launching a new adult site. And we want to be able to run an affiliate program and recruit affiliates on a sex positive network, free of prudeness and restrictions to adult content. Any help would be greatly...
  2. F

    Hi everyone, Franky here!!

    Actually, my name is Frank but all of my friends call me Franky. I am new to affiliate marketing and here to learn and eventually strive to get to the point where I can share new techniques and ideas that I have developed in this industry. So thank you for having me and I look forward to a...
  3. C

    Affiliates Wanted NO LONGER AVAILABLE

  4. Offerit-John

    Heading to Affiliate Summit?

    Hi Folks, If you are headed to Affiliate Summit West 2016, the Offerit Team and myself would love to meet up and provide an in-person demo of our platform for you to review. If you are interested in a private meeting, I have a few time slots available at the show to discuss business privately...
  5. Offerit-John

    What would you like to track that you can't currently?

    I enjoy getting feedback from affiliates and advertisers. In your current marketing tracking, are there any events you wish you had the ability to track? If so, what are they? Thanks, John
  6. Offerit-John

    Looking For Affiliate Networks or E-commerce Retailers to Demo Offerit platform

    Hi Folks, I wanted to drop in and provide a bit of information on our Affiliate Marketing SaaS Platform, Offerit. The technology behind the Offerit platform has been in use within the affiliate tracking industry for over 10 years. Offerit was developed during 2011 to bring this technology a...