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    4 things you should know before you monetize your traffic

    I generally look at Clickbank for affiliate products. Do you have a preference? Rick

    Clickbank and Iframes

    Been a while since I've done this so I thought I'd check, Can I still use a Clickbank product in an iFrame as long as I'm not being deceptive about it. ie page is showing to an almost full view etc.? Rick

    Does Affiliate Marketing Have The Same Reputation as MLM?

    I'm impressed sir, Having a love for sales-psychology and having been in sales school I don't often hear techniques quoted. What I was taught was for a sale to occur you must: Demonstrate a problem Show a solution Show why they should buy from you Rick

    Does Affiliate Marketing Have The Same Reputation as MLM?

    I still think it's related to fear and lack of training for mlm. Now on the other hand I've read affiliate marketers stating "Oh please someone buy my product." Rick

    Does Affiliate Marketing Have The Same Reputation as MLM?

    Being in both I find in MLM (network marketing, multi-level marketing etc.) gets it's sense of how to act from the upline, but I'm wondering what you all feel about the reputation of mlm versus affiliate marketing. There are those who will tell you both do not work. MLM however has been around...

    Need help on a post

    As a forum owner myself and understand and respect the rules of other forums. I admit to being jealous of that nice mod that stopped my PM thus saving hard working moderators time. Rick

    Need help on a post

    I appreciate your faith in a new person. I tried to send via conversation. It referred to my post as having a "sneaky link" even after removing http and www and spelling out dot. Excellent software. SMF has nothing like this. May I ask what OS the forum is based on? Tim I'm happy to comply...

    Need help on a post

    Sorry folks I tried to post a link to my pitch page. Looks like I need some more posts under my belt before I can get help. Perfectly understandable. Rick

    Need help on a post

    I manage a forum which is affiliate link friendly. I wrote a sales page on this. At what point may I ask for help on this without the new guy here being suspected of spamming? Thank you, Rick

    Meta Refresh

    I agree. Then promote your landing page and if the affiliate link ever changes or the vendor goes direct to Paypal you just have the change the links in the page not the page you're promoting. Rick

    Where should I submit my free ebook?

    You can submit to Kindle Offer the book on your own site Add it to your forum sig Do a search on google for submit ebook ebooklibrary I believe is one place I presently recall Use Payloadz and sell it for .99 Rick

    Submit Your Ebook - 25+ Links - FREE Exposure!

    Wow Hey at least it got spidered and brought me back to five star. You're right quite a few had been empty links. Nothing dangerous for those concerned about that. Personally I like to google these kinds of links under the theory that if the sites are ranked well with google I want to be...

    Submit Your Ebook - 25+ Links - FREE Exposure!

    Just found this via google and wanted to say thank you

    How I Made My First Sale

    Which is quite unfortuneate Many of the articles I've written were based on common questions in forums Rick

    How I Made My First Sale

    See what you did though You chose a product you were interested you could relate to You went where your prospects were Nice job Rick

    xml Question

    Aloha; I'm finally getting into xml so I can grab some databases from clickbank and paydotcom. Because of something I have in mind I need to use client side to read the xml. I'm learning how to do this with CSS but how do I make the links active? Thanks Newbie to scripts Rick

    Sig file opinions

    Yes it changes your sig throughout your old posts. Nice feature in forums compared to Yahoo groups Rick

    Make Money out of Thin Air!

    Looks to me like a single email with the above example was just fine Rick

    Make Money out of Thin Air!

    Let's keep in mind spam is unsolicited off topic email. I think a company is perfectly justified aggressively seeking propspects such as in your case inwhich there is a common business basis. It's the same thing as knocking on the door of a potential business client and requesting an appointment...

    Sig file opinions

    Having recently gotten involved with forums I was curious how often experienced forum users changed their sig files? Also for those of you with large sites, do you normally point it at an index page full of applicable products or do you point at a specific product? Thanks Rick