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  1. kaymeis

    Best niche for newbie

    For starters you need to brainstorm certain things like your hobbies, what you're passionate about, e.t.c. I has to be something you're knowledgeable about and can write effortlessly about without struggling.
  2. kaymeis

    Getting started on affiliate marketing

    You can start by looking up travel affiliate programs. Make sure you do your research before signing up.
  3. kaymeis

    What Should My Site Look Like, I Want to Be Inspired by Competitors

    You could google "Examples of affiliate sites" . Then look up a couple of affiliate sites and improve upon what they've done.
  4. kaymeis

    Is it a Big Loss if Your Articles Aren't Unique?

    There are writing courses online...You can always google them.
  5. kaymeis

    Is it a Big Loss if Your Articles Aren't Unique?

    Uniqueness is the name of the game where articles are concerned. But it helps if you write them yourself. Your readers want to hear your writing voice, not somebody else's.
  6. kaymeis

    Wrong and right affiliate programs.....

    Very true! I found out the hard way when I first started out. There are so many scammers out there..You just need do your research to separate the grass from the chaff!
  7. kaymeis

    What is Affiliate Program Guarantee

    You may have to revise your your marketing strategies..Could be that you may have to do a little bit more.
  8. kaymeis

    Help with email marketing

    Yes I have one so far. But she's not reading the emails that I send her and it's driving down my averages.
  9. kaymeis

    Help with email marketing

    here is the situation. I have one subscriber to my forex mailing list. The first couple of emails I sent her she opened and read them, at least according to my analytics. Now she rarely opens subsequent emails that I send her. And it is starting to affect my averages which have hit negative. Am...
  10. kaymeis

    Anyone using squidoo as an income generating channel?

    I did and I'm not crazy about squidoo. I prefer hubpages!
  11. kaymeis

    Building lists

    Get a sign up form on your website and use the information about your readers to do your email marketing. You do that by sending them updates about your latest products or content on your website.
  12. kaymeis

    Confused blogging & article writing

    Your blog acts as your yes you should affiliate links in your blog. But the articles you submit to your blog are meant to promote your blog so people can link back to your website, creating traffic foir your blog. The articles should act as spinoffs of your blog content. Make sure...
  13. kaymeis

    How many products

    yea..three is just about right.. You need to choose products with great press.
  14. kaymeis

    What is a good alternative to article marketing?

    As Ryzon said, there are so may options out there. Just choose the one that works for you and run with it.
  15. kaymeis

    Help with product to promote on blog

    So I should go for laptop accessories!
  16. kaymeis

    Help with product to promote on blog

    hi, I'm writing a blog on laptop maintenance. I'm also promoting a digital course which teaches users how to fix laptops? Now I'm not so sure it's the appropriate product for a laptop maintenance blog. What do you think?
  17. kaymeis

    Please help! I'm frustrated

    I have a couple of blogs on laptop maintenance, Internet Marketing and I promote clickbank products on these blogs. I've tried using article directories, forums, e.t.c but still no luck..Maybe I'm using them wrongly..I dont know!
  18. kaymeis

    Please help! I'm frustrated

    hi, I've been a struggling affiliate for the past five years and I'm yet to make a sale. I've tried all the known strategies but still not getting anywhere. Cant someone tell me what it is that I'm doing wrong. I pick my keywords but they dont show on google or any other search engine and as...