I did a search took, a quick look then pasted when I found, and here's what AI told me about my searches.
I don't know how it got this data, whether it scraped the search engine it's using, which is Bing
I assume, or it actually independently searched.
The last change was supposedly semantics of the content. Maybe AI is sorting by relevance and the latest? TBD I suppose. OpenAI search functions are better than search engine delivering a synopsis or conclusion --simply giving the sources. AI does the leg-work, and you can spot check it.
Old Style SEO is dead.
>>>"The context of search users who ask precise conversational questions within several back and forth turns is a huge change to search queries. Bing claims that this makes it easier to understand search queries and provide increasingly precise answers. That’s the part...
This your first SEO rodeo?
Every update changes the game --good or bad.
Only authority brands (usually) maintain their rankings with Google Search Algorithm Updates however positions will vary.
...But just maybe --that makes AI more objective.
AI, when trained as, sees us all as just humans --not white, black, brown or yellow.
This is more intelligent and introspective than ~97% of what I read or hear spoken.
Scary maybe, coming from a *machine* but AI is not a talking toaster ;)
Not sure. Claude my still just be a parrot of his corpus (learning) data.
However, we are all that --aren't we? Our human 'experience' is limited by the events in, or seen, in our lifespans.
AI is trained on millions of human events, opinions and overviews.
We are not that different...
Irony was this was an EU
Council of Europe Treaty Series - No. 225
Council of Europe Framework Convention on Artificial Intelligence and Human
Rights, Democracy and the Rule of Law
I didn't want to take my time to read though that Euro Dictate Crap so I asked...
Then Bell made the the UNIX system source available BSD, LINUX, and Mac and never forget the TCP/IP stack; part of the ARPANET project.
In 50+ years we are on the cusp of AI Sentience & Skynet
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