Thank you guys, my goal is to be able to see conversions, on my affiliate network, Go2mobi and Voluum.
Every guide I read is talking about the subject in a very general manner and I need something specific.
tyoussef thanks very much for the kind offer, would love it if you post a simple...
Conversions are only appear on my affiliate network but I don't know from where so I can't optimize...
My ad network is go2mobi and tracker is Voluum.
I'm probably doing something weird with the postback links.
Please tell me how should I configure that so I can see conversions in Voluum.
Thanks... I wish I had a more specific explanation broken down here for me and for others to learn...
That issue is one of the most mind crushing things to understand alone, so many variables, so many things can go wrong...
I'm definitely going to write an Ebook on that topic and make a million...
Hey Elad Cohen
Did you find an answer to that?
I'm at the point where I'm trying to understand the postback link chain between the traffic source, the tracker and the affiliate network.
Thanks lrs1995
The TS is Go2mobi and it doesn't seem to pass the creative id token :/
Hope there's a thread on creating custom variables in voluum somewhere...
I really need to understand something guys, I'm thinking about how can I split test different banners in the same sizes.
Is it something that we able to do in every traffic source or the traffic source allows us to rotate different links from our VPS?
Just point me in the right direction please...
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