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  1. R

    Do You Offer Searching On Your Site?

    I have always thought that I was missing out on something by not offering a search, but it just never really fit with my site and to be honest I would not really know where to begin. It does seem like a powerful tool to bring people to your site though and a window that leads to many other...
  2. R

    Are you addicted to Facebook

    I consider myself somewhat lucky, because I really avoided the Facebook trend. I am not saying that it is not a great service, because certainly it is and it has a lot to offer to a lot of people out there, and it is a social movement in its own way, but I just did not get into all that much...
  3. R

    Viral Marketing

    Well like other users have mentioned, and in all facets of marketing and advertising, knowing your target audience is key. I would not think that it is as high risk as some are making it out to be, but it can certainly be a waste of resources, particularly time and money, if you go through all...
  4. R

    Will Email Continue to Grow?

    It is interesting to think about where it will go. I cannot really see anything taking its place, but then again I have been wrong about things like that before, so I would not be surprised either way. I have a feeling that it will maybe just keep being more integrated into all of our devices...
  5. R

    Do you use GIMP?

    I use GIMP a lot and I have found it to have everything I need to when it comes to editing photos. I do not use it for much more than that, though, so I cannot really speak to any of its other features. It is free, though, and that is certainly an important factor for me that is a plus for...
  6. R

    how to have an email list of customers?.

    This is always an area where I thought that it would be some secret method of attaining a list and it would be more like a lead than anything else, and to some extent that is true, but not really to the level of movie-like plot that I was thinking. It all depends on whether you are compiling...
  7. R

    My Website Position is not improved in google why?

    I agree with the user above who bring up the niche is key, because when it comes to traffic these are the constant sources. Knowing your target audience is probably the most important part of running a site, and it should always be the focus of your decision making, in my opinion.
  8. R

    How Can attract More Visitors

    I do agree that good social media presence is helpful, but I would also strongly side with those who say that it is all about the content. Of course it is cliche and all of that, but it is that for a reason. I have found that if you always remember to appeal to your target audience then you...
  9. R

    Forum Software: Free Vs Paid

    Like other users have said, it really just depends on what site you are looking to run. If you have a site that can make a good revenue, then it is worthwhile to invest in some better software and just offset the costs, because utilizing the free programs out there certainly come with more risk...
  10. R

    Tips on managing multiple weibites

    Time management is a skill as old as time. Of course today's world is pretty crazy, but with everything I know that setting out the time is the key. I have multiple sites too, and I have a schedule for when I attend to each site. It is the same thing I did with online classes. I just...
  11. R

    Promoting Your Site On Niche Social Networks

    Well I guess you could say that forums like this are sort of niche social networks. I guess part of the definition of niche is smaller, so certainly that applies to forums. When I think of more social media like sites though that really serve to particular interests there is nothing that...
  12. R

    What Is Your Device?

    I have my Samsung Galaxy and I love it. I used to have the iPhone and it was fine, but for some reason I think I am just better suited for the Android platform. I am not into gaming or anything like that, so I cannot weigh in there, but it does everything that I need it to do and it is sturdy...
  13. R

    Microsoft word not responding

    Well I think the good news is that this happens to me pretty much every day and it always seems to work itself out so I would say that you will be okay. I have always been able to uninstall and reinstall it when it gets to that point though, so if worst comes to worst you can always try that.
  14. R

    Best Payment Gateway For eCommerce?

    I would have to agree with the other users and suggest PayPal. I think when it comes to payment issues it is probably best, and in most cases easiest, to go with the big name, more recognized company that you can rely on. The sites with the most regulations and standards seem to be the best...
  15. R

    Is Posting Less Frequently Better?

    I actually attended a little seminar last week where the presenter was talking about this very issue for his site, and he was arguing that you should have new content every day, every hour if possible. His whole thing was that in a flow of information so little gets absorbed, so you need to...
  16. R

    Do social media links matter for SEO?

    Well in my experience anything that helps move the needle is worth the time and the effort to look into, and this would certainly fall into that category. Social media is what is driving the world these days, and that includes commerce and traffic is a form of commerce these days, and that...
  17. R

    Website Speed

    Well I poked around for a little bit and I have to say that I am impressed. I would say that in terms of website speed I would say that it is average, and I do think that having such big logos factors into that, but of course it is a site dedicated to logos so they need to be a good size...
  18. R

    Your Favourite Social Networking Site in Order?

    Well I would have to say Facebook is still the best for what I am looking for in social media, but in terms of my favorite I would say Twitter, just because I like the whole 140 character thing and its brevity. I think that it allows for a much different type of information, which is a neat...
  19. R

    Protect your children on the Internet

    There are actually a lot of good products out there that can really help when it comes to setting parental controls and making it safer for children, but of course the operative word there is safer, because we all know that it is never really one hundred percent safe. It will cost you though...
  20. R

    Tell us, which is Better YouTube or Vimeo?

    I have always been under the impression that Vimeo was the hipster website, and I guess you can really take that to mean whatever you want. I think that it is a lyric in a song so that is why it stuck with me, but nevertheless I would have to say that Youtube is the better site. Way more...