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  1. F

    New York Affiliate-Based Sales Tax Law - IMPORTANT!

    ...too much. One or the other, not both. There has to be a way to work this out. For instance, a company can't just go open up shop in a no sales tax state and expect to ***** the other states out of their money. It's not fair, really, and it hurts too many people who benefit from that tax...
  2. F

    Is anyone here a Pingo affiliate?

    I signed up, but I haven't promoted it. I'm already hearing strange things, such as that it says you can use it with cell phones, but with some prepaid cells, your prepaid company charges you for the minutes on top of what Pingo charges. I wondered about that when I first heard about it...
  3. F

    Top 15 American Idol performances ever

    I question some of the entries, but Fantasia does deserve #1 for Summertime. I think that Clay Aiken's performance of "Bridge Over Troubled Waters" should be on there, though.
  4. F

    Help needed with "Pinging" and "trackbacks"

    So the link in my sig here must do a trackback, because every message I put on here shows as a trackback to my site.
  5. F

    I'm Glad I found you

    Hello and welcome! Just read everything in the newbie section, and you'll do fine. If I can help in any way, let me know, although I'm pretty new at this myself. Sam, I keep seeing people pushing PPC, but not even the old time gurus are pushing it now. So many people just starting out don't...
  6. F

    5 Lessons Affiliates Can Learn From American Idol

    I used to be a big idol fan until I got broke and had to give up t.v....long story. Anyway, I believe they call it the "It" factor. Simon calls it the "likeability" factor. If you're not likeable, nobody will vote for you, no matter how cute you are or how good you sing. I was watching the...
  7. F

    Key to Affiliate Success - Try, Test, FAIL & Learn

    You know, I just got a great email from someone who said pretty much the same thing. He said that failure is just a test result. I never thought of it like that, but boy, I sure am getting some crappy test results so far! LOL
  8. F

    Help needed with "Pinging" and "trackbacks"

    Thanks, Linda. That site, OnlyWire: The Only BookMarklet You'll Ever Need!, is a site that sends your site to several bookmarking sites at once. I think what he was saying was to sign up for all the bookmark sites listed, then when you have something new on your site, you can go and bookmark it...
  9. F

    Help needed with "Pinging" and "trackbacks"

    O.K., maybe I'm just dense, but I truly do not understand how to do this. I just got through reading a blog where this guru told you to go to this one site, bookmark your site under every category, and then ping it from there. How do you do that? And what exactly is a trackback? I see the...
  10. F

    What's wrong with

    ...yourself stand out on Blogger. If not, people will just pass your blog by, thinking "Oh, just another Blogger blog". There are so many free Blogger templates out there, why just stick with the stock stuff? I say this, even knowing that one of my e-courses is on Blogger on a stock template. *w*
  11. F

    Secondary income generator

    I use Adsense, but it's going downhill fast.
  12. F

    How to be a Dead Broke Affiliate in 10 Easy Steps

    You know, I can understand his point to a degree. There are people who spend all their time on the forums then complain they aren't making any money, when that time could be better spent optimizing their site. And you know what, sometimes people ARE stealing your affiliate links, but I...
  13. F

    Squidoo and Hub Pages

    I started out on HubPages, and still have some stuff there, although I'm slowly moving all my website related stuff to my site, and doing personal stuff on Hubpages. They've made a lot of changes lately that simply killed my adsense earnings, so I've basically started pulling out all my SEO and...
  14. F

    How to be a Dead Broke Affiliate in 10 Easy Steps

    I must admit, I've been sitting on my butt lately too. I've gone through a lot lately, but I had all this time at home after my surgery, and promised myself that I would do something every day on my site, especially marketing, but I didn't. I'm just sort of stuck. I'm getting depressed about...
  15. F

    my site wont show up on google

    That's not necessarily true. My Hubpages were doing very well just because of where they were, with no backlinks at all. Google had a love affair with Hubpages at the time. 80% of my traffic comes from search engines, and the only backlinks I know I have are crosslinks from my other...
  16. F

    Review Pages - Affiliate Marketers GoldMine!

    I need to get some instruction on just how to write a good review. I have some affiliate retailers I would like to do review pages on, because this is a hot time of year for them. One is no problem, because I've actually been dealing with them for years, and have been to their place of...
  17. F

    If You HAD to Start Over - What would you do Different???

    This may be duplicate content, but I was surfing around looking for a great free content manager today, and ran across this and had to share. Christopher Heng has a great article on his site about his biggest regrets in starting his sites. I thought it made some good, common, valid points, and...
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    Hi and welcome!
  19. F


    Hi and welcome! Everyone is really friendly and helpful here, so jump on in.
  20. F

    Search Engine of Choice

    I mostly use Google, but I do occasionally do Yahoo, or even one of my perennial favorites, Dogpile. Before I became a Googleaholic, I used Dogpile all the time. That way, I got the best of all the search engines.