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  1. V

    Why did Google Pull PageRank from Webmaster Tools?

    If they are pulling the plug, how come my google tool bar still shows PR ranking for websites e.g. BBC PR 9.
  2. V

    Check your website position on Google

    Is this still working?, as the links to download dont seem to be working.
  3. V

    Twitter Page Rank

    My google PR for Twitter has jumped 5...... and my website is only 2... I really havent done very much work on it either. Oh well seems liike a good place for a plug, if you want to follow me on Twitter its David Charter (VividItaly) on Twitter
  4. V

    Traffic Obsessions

    I guess that means that 50% of my traffic is not relavent then....
  5. V

    Traffic Obsessions

    I think its obsession linked to being popular. I like at webstats and get excited when I see we have had say 100 more visitors yesterday then this time last week. However, as you say the bottom line is the number of enqueries and then bookings we can generate. For example last weekend, our...
  6. V

    Is this genius or a waste of time??

    I have posted on here before about using forums for SEO purposes and to attrat visitors to some of the websites I am working on. Also I am big Bristol City Football club supporter and post on their forums quite a bit. For £10 a month they have allowed me to build in 4 links into my signature...
  7. V

    How to drive traffic from Twitter ?

    I have been on Twitter now for about a week and a half and from a personnel point of view, it just seems to be full of junk. However, I have signed up with the brand name Vivid Italy and already have 250 followers and its currently the number one link to our Vivid Italy website. Although at...
  8. V

    What forums do you post in that allow a sneaky link?

    I have today tried to get links into two of the biggest travel forums I can find in the Uk Holiday Truith and Holiday watchdog but they have both said no. At the moment the only travel forum I can get onto is Aardvark Travel....
  9. V

    What forums do you post in that allow a sneaky link?

    Just found this link Forums Rankings - all software forums, all languages language, website ranking by posts Which shows the most popular forums on the internet, so am going to try and sneak a few links onto my posts on some of these.
  10. V

    What forums do you post in that allow a sneaky link?

    What forums do you post in that allow a link to your own website at the bottom? From my experience, quite a few forums wont let you put in any links in at the bottom. I was posting on one excellent Italian fourm that was just perfect for my Italy website but about a month after I joined it...
  11. V

    How to drive traffic from Twitter ?

    Ok so all I need to do is set up an account for Italy brand and then start following loads of people and then they will start following me in return and I can send them interesting updates about the company, sounds simple in theory...
  12. V

    How to drive traffic from Twitter ?

    How can I find people who would be interested in my products e.g holidays in Italy on Twitter?
  13. V

    SEO Forum Posting

    Thanks for all of this, there is some good advice here. Does anybody think Yahoo answers is a good place to be around. It seems to have a good google page rank and will let you put a few links as long as you make good comments.
  14. V

    Do you pay to be list in a directory?

    Thanks for that, they are certainly worth a look.
  15. V

    Which traffic methods do you focus on every day?

    A colleague of mine has told me that Google will now penalise you for Link Exchange, do you know if there is any truith in that?
  16. V

    SEO Forum Posting

    I guess its both really. My aim is to get more people to book holidays with us. Therefore we need enquiries, so I need to improve our page ranking and traffic to the sites. Although I think I might have cracked it a bit this morning. I have managed to sign upto the Italian magazine forum...
  17. V

    UK Directories

    What do you think the best/most effective you directory is?
  18. V

    SEO Forum Posting

    I am attempting to improve the SEO on 6 holiday websites that offer villas, apartments to various european holiday destinations. I am link building and blog posting and this seems to be having a slow but positive effect. I am also contributing to yahoo answers and this seems to be helping as...
  19. V

    Do you pay to be list in a directory?

    I am attempting to promote about 6 or 7 of our holiday villa websites. I have already signed up with most of the free directories that have been listed on here. Do you have any specific ideas of any directories that I could try?
  20. V

    Free Unique Content for website

    Hi We have 7 or 8 websites. Vivid Italy is our most developed, take a look and let me know your thoughts.