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  1. T

    Hey Luke, In regards to the "PPV Skype Group Chat', I'd love to be a part. I have a...

    Hey Luke, In regards to the "PPV Skype Group Chat', I'd love to be a part. I have a BoxofAds account & am running PPV campaigns. Skype: jpmarino777 Cheers!
  2. T

    PPV with $50 initial budget

    Don't try a new ad platform, let alone traffic method, with a $50 budget. If you wish to proceed anyway, I think Clicksor takes a $50 min deposit.
  3. T

    Where do you buy PPV traffic from?

    LI and 50R are a good mix of solid traffic from US and INTL. Trafficvance is solid for US, but is a pain to get into. The smaller guys: Adon, Media Traffic, DirectCPV can be okay. I'd say the reflection of higher min deposits weeds out the guys who don't have enough budget to dedicate towards...
  4. T

    DO I Need To Use Landing Page For POF

    LPs can increase conversion rates, but you need to always split-test direct linking.
  5. T

    How do I get started in PPC?

    Open PPC account, pick offer, run campaign. 7search is probably pretty friendly for most beginners and affiliates.
  6. T

    Facebook: When will I ever want to use CPM over CPC

    CPM can be better if you have a high CTR. Let's say you are paying .10 cents for both CPC and CPM. If your CTR is below .1% then CPC would be better; furthermore, if your CTR was above .1% then it's actually smarter to bid CPM. That being said, I'm not so sure Facebook's CPM is the same...
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    do YOU trust your Account managers?

    Most AMs get paid on commission from affiliate accounts they manage. You generate leads, they profit more.
  8. T

    Ho to Promote CPA offers ??!

    The fact that you are accepted into those CPA networks and have a dedicated server + cpvlab is impressive for just starting out. The fact you have less than $200 for traffic is where you are going wrong. Why utilize a dedicated server when you only have $190 to spend? Using a basic hosting/VPS...
  9. T

    Cool new office of Neverblue!

    That slide in Clickbooth's office was the icing on the cake
  10. T

    How much is enough to get started with PPV?

    Media Traffic and LI are both decent PPV networks. MT if you prefer the lower $100 deposit. LI if you can shell out the $1,000.
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    How does CPV bidding work?

    Depends on the traffic volume, but usually you'll get traffic for lower positions. I've been in slot #7, and still seen traffic for high volume targets.
  12. T

    Mediatraffic or 50onred? peerfly or maxbounty?

    These questions are asked 100 times. There's no best PPV network, especially not one aimed at a specific affiliate network. Both are decent PPV networks. I believe MT has a minimum deposit of only $100, so it should be easy for you to get started there.
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    Mobile Traffic Source

    +1 for mobicow
  14. T

    Suggest me a Mobile Ad network

    Bing Ads, Tapit
  15. T

    Removing social buttons increases conversion.

    Interesting information. Thanks!
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    Facebook ads...

    Test CPC, oCPM, etc I found their CPM inventory to be garbage, but oCPM can be high quality
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    Best SEO advice you've ever got?

    Quality content > all
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    Have you used Bings Ads?

    Yes. It's in between Adwords and 7 search. Less volume than adwords, but much more than 7search.
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    Dating Lead Quality

    Facebook has been king for a while....but they don't like affiliates
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    PPV Spy tools!

    BoxOfAds is a more legit spytool, but also cost more than BlackPops BlackPops is well worth the money, but I'd use BoxOfAds for legit inspiration