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  1. servandosilva

    zeropark is not good?

    The idea is to spend 2-3x on each target/website and pause them if there are no conversions, but as a campaign as a whole, I'd spend at least 10-20x to get started and receive traffic from different targets.
  2. servandosilva

    CPI Offers ?

    NoIPfraud, trafficarmor or other recommended.
  3. servandosilva

    CPI Offers ?

    It's possible but you have to cloak it a bit even if you run white hat. If you're not the owner of the app you either use a landing page or cloak to promote apps in FB.
  4. servandosilva

    zeropark is not good?

    Not all the time. Some bots have a 100% CTR or more, and other scripts can do a fixed rate like 30% or 50% to make it look real.
  5. servandosilva

    zeropark is not good?

    40,000 visits sounds like a decent test, but all depends on how much you spent and how much your offer payout is. After you define that you can exclude all the sites that are not converting after spending 2-3x the payout of the offer and start optimizing from there. Also,m ake sure the offers...
  6. servandosilva

    Can't get Mobile Pop to Work

    LOL. Sorry it's Friday. Thanks :)
  7. servandosilva

    Can't get Mobile Pop to Work

    It's the same traffic, but you'll need to spend more. In fact, if you're testing several offers and landing pages at the same time, you need to multiply your budgets for tests. Let's say you're testing a $1 offer and another paying $2. If you want to spend 20x initially you need to spend 20x$1...
  8. servandosilva

    Can't get Mobile Pop to Work

    10x works for a initial test, but based on your data (publishers traffic distribution, conversions, etc) I'd spend like $50 to start optimizing and analyzing with statistical significance.
  9. servandosilva

    Can't get Mobile Pop to Work

    No. Impressions or views don't mean anything if you're not considering the payout. If your offer pays $0.1 then $100 is a good budget to start testing, but if it pays $1 it's almost nothing. I can see you mentioned your offer pays $0.4, and spending $10 on it could give you some decent...
  10. servandosilva

    Can't get Mobile Pop to Work

    Hmmm, so how much have you really spent? If you have spent $10 and you're complaining about not getting conversions you haven't really tested anything so far. How did you choose the offers you're testing BTW?
  11. servandosilva

    How to setup "LP prefetching" feature in PopAds?

    I think the prefetch feature works better for when you're using the same landing page instead of split testing multiple ones. At the end, they will try to prefetch your tracking link but it might not be the same you're sending the traffic to if you have multiple landers. I'd say you probably...
  12. servandosilva

    Official Mobicow [Deleted]

    Just to give a quick heads up to their support. Mobicow was very quick and kind to fix all the issues. Keep rocking.
  13. servandosilva

    Official Mobicow [Deleted]

    Hello. I've just added you to my Skype to see if we can sort out a payment problem that just occurred an hour ago. Sorry for hijacking the thread a bit but it's urgent and Julieta is not online. Keep up the good support!
  14. servandosilva

    New to Mobile - Question about optimizing/cutting placements

    Monetize the traffic with another offer that converts.
  15. servandosilva

    Facebook for beginners

    Oh yes, it is. You're using the generic Voluum links. Make sure you use a CNAME like this: Gold - Voluum - The Ultimate Guide! | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix
  16. servandosilva

    Facebook for beginners

    Hello. As Marc said, don't open another fake profile. That's a quick way to get banned on both accounts. Your ads are never attached to your own profile aside from the payment process, so nobody will know that the ads are yours. As for Voluum, Facebook has a big database of banned links from...
  17. servandosilva

    When to cut LPs

    I wouldn't assume that the best landers for one OS are the best for another since the design and people are different. Spend a bit more to get your data. As for the CTR, it would depend on your landers and scripts. It's quite difficult to say and it also depends on the type of traffic and vertical.
  18. servandosilva

    When to cut LPs

    If you're testing 7 landing pages I'd consider testing a bit more before cutting. Offer payout x 7 x 10 = $150 aprox. You can test with a lower budget but at least something like payout x 7 x 3 which would be around $50 before starting to cut landers.
  19. servandosilva

    KPI meaning ?

    I don't know. If they say the KPI is Retention rate then it probably is correct. If they say CR I think is more for converting free users into paid users, but I could be wrong. The best way to clear this out is asking your manager, honestly.
  20. servandosilva

    KPI meaning ?

    KPI = Key performance index = the performance and quality of your conversions, which in this case, Daria explained is the retention rate for the apps you're promoting but it can be anything like CR, sales, visits, etc. For example, if an offer has a KPI of CR = 4% it means from every 100...