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  1. gkd_uk

    Travel Affiliate Program - Feed Back

    Hi I have been looking into white label travel affiliate programs How are such affiliate programs performing today? Reading reviews on the net, there seems to be more negative then positive feedback. Thoughts?
  2. gkd_uk

    How often do you post new content?

    I have a blog relating to IT, fixes and tutorials which I have been running since 2008. I don't add content daily but whenever I come across a problem and a fix. It's a reference for myself and at the same time the information is available to other IT guys searching for resolutions via search...
  3. gkd_uk

    WHat software do you use for Banner creation?

    Photoshop seems to be the popular one
  4. gkd_uk

    WHat software do you use for Banner creation?

    Hi What software do you use for creating website banners? A quick review of the software would be nice and whether it is easy to use? Thanks
  5. gkd_uk

    How many forums do you currently own?

    did own an IT forum a while ago. At the moment I own zero but am thinking of setting up an IT Support forum in future.
  6. gkd_uk

    Word Press site hacked

    Yes, I know the feeling. When I setup my first ever word press site and it was hacked a few months later, it was a shock. Luckily, I had backups but it triggered me into researching further into various plugins and methods on reducing the risk. Thanks to plugin developers who offer free...
  7. gkd_uk

    Wordpress Security Plugin

    If you're not aware of this plugin, it's called Limit Login. A great plugin which will help reduce the risk of your Word press site being hacked. Anyone use any other security plugins they recommend?
  8. gkd_uk

    Automated Traffic Offers

    Read lots threads across different forums where people offer thousands of hits to your website for a small fee. Are these users even real? They will generate thousands of unique hits to your site within hours.
  9. gkd_uk

    How often do you blog?

    wow, I created this thread in 2008. Nice to see it's still going :) I have one main IT blog which I use to post fixes I come across. Maybe once a week. :)
  10. gkd_uk

    How to improve Alexa ranking?

    What is the benefit of having a high Alexa ranking? It can easily be manipulated. Don't see the point of Alexa ranking.
  11. gkd_uk

    What blogging platform do you use and why?

    Always been Word press for me. Thousands of free themes and plugins available. A great community. Now a days, you can build any type of site using Word Press.
  12. gkd_uk

    Content Drives Traffic - How to Generate Traffic to Blog

    My full time role is an IT consultant and I also enjoy the web/online part which I started in 2007 part time. Due to my job role being in IT I decided to setup an IT Blog a few years ago which became a blog where I would document fixes and tutorials which I could revisit in future. Over time...
  13. gkd_uk

    Akismet Stats - Wordpress blog - Spammers

    58,162 spam comments blocked by Akismet Not bad. Only activated the plugin on one of my blogs recently. How do you combat spam on your blogs.
  14. gkd_uk

    How many moderators?

    Depends on the size of the forum and how busy it is.
  15. gkd_uk

    switches help to over cum network security problems

    Most swithes can be configured to allow secure traffic from the switch to your selected device. You can decide what rules you wish to setup. Cisco routers is the favourite.
  16. gkd_uk

    problem occur from wireless network

  17. gkd_uk

    do Wireless Networks Pose

    To be safer: 1) Setup your network with the highest level of encryption. 2) Change the default router password. 3) Disable the broadcast of your SSID 4) Add MAC filtering to your router (if supported) so only machines which you allow are allowed to access your network.
  18. gkd_uk

    How many admin in a forum?

    Hi It depends on the size of your forum and the number of members posting.
  19. gkd_uk

    A few dangerous viruses

    There is also Conficker which is hitting millions of users around the World.
  20. gkd_uk


    Welcome to UKWW :)