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  1. marttoom

    Am I Missing Something with Push? Are you profitable?

    I wouldn't suggest to start testing with All targeting. I usually start with High for testing based on some of my own experiments and recommendations from follow-alongs. Can I ask what Geos are you targeting?
  2. marttoom

    Am I Missing Something with Push? Are you profitable?

    I played around a bit in 2018, but also gave it another go now in 2019. Like you, I'm also using PropellerAds (and also running sweeps) - I think they are at least on par with other bigger players, if not better in terms of traffic quality. I know a lot of people run push on CPC, but after...
  3. marttoom

    Push Journey - Started Few Days Back - In Small Profits - Need Answers

    That's a great writeup, thanks! I also have a similar setup with bemob + propellerads push and also had problems getting the cost to show, will try out awesomesauce's suggestion tonight. For me the biggest problem is scaling - in a lot of geos there isn't too much traffic, so if I duplicate a...
  4. marttoom

    Ask Me Anything [CASE STUDY] Push Notifications + Money Amulet (ROI 69%)

    I've noticed that push traffic providers have removed sweeps from the list of offers that converts the best in the last few months. Can you confirm this trend?
  5. marttoom

    Which push network do you recommend?

    Does anyone know of any good richpush case studies?
  6. marttoom

    Hello world

    Hello world
  7. marttoom

    How to optimize push notifications?

    That's a good question - I assume there might be some technical/privacy reasons, but at least partially it's definitely because they are aware how much crap sources there are.
  8. marttoom

    How to optimize push notifications?

    In push traffic case does the ZoneID correspond to the site where the user opted in to receive push notifications... or something else?
  9. marttoom

    How to optimize push notifications?

    I'm also running push on Propeller. The trick in my opinion is to choose wide appeal offers, where you don't need FB style targeting that much. Then I just let a few test campaigns run for a few days. I'm testing different creatives and images, this is pretty much all you can do there, but in...
  10. marttoom

    Mobile traffic sources for Peerfly offers

    Facebook ads, if you can be compliant. Otherwise Propellerads.
  11. marttoom


    Secret Word: CHA-CHING
  12. marttoom

    Push Follow Along - Sweeps

    @britt - can you share what offers and from what network? Thanks!
  13. marttoom

    GEO Target the US? The Myth - The Reality

    Nice, thanks for the update! I'm assuming the only platform which can target this specifically is still FB only though? Or are there alternatives as well?
  14. marttoom

    What is Facebook better for

    I agree on the conclusion - building your whole business to only be reliant on FB paid traffic is quite risky if you're not in the two categories that Graybeard mentioned.
  15. marttoom

    What is a good way to get as many as possible Facebook ad accounts?

    My recommendation - have one account, don't do anything too stupid with it. If you need to do blackhat scenarios, then probably FB is not the best traffic source for you. If your offers are okay for FB, then keep on going - your account will be banned from time to time, but if you haven't done...
  16. marttoom

    GEO Target the US? The Myth - The Reality

    Wow, impressive work! Is the base data available to all through a public API or did you have some other source?
  17. marttoom

    GEO Target the US? The Myth - The Reality

    That's an excellent point. However in my own tests I've noticed that more expensive regions also tend to convert noticeably better - although I guess the difference wasn't as big as the difference in potential ad spend between these regions. Care to share more data about your findings or is it...
  18. marttoom

    What is Facebook better for

    Yeah, dating on FB is risky, would be wise to go for ecom or something similar, even sweeps if you're working on a smaller budget.
  19. marttoom

    What is a good way to get as many as possible Facebook ad accounts?

    Having more than 1 is definitely a hassle - personally i have two, so one is for backup. But my main approach is always to get my main account back, even though it has been banned quite a few times. This is waaaaay easier than dealing with new accounts every time.
  20. marttoom

    Facebook banned my account in the first week

    I see what you mean - there are two ways to interpret this a) you will win (certain) b) you have a chance to win (aspect of luck) FB can interpret this as either of these and if they choose option A, you might be in trouble, and they don't have to explain their decisions. Play it safe :)