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  1. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    Thank you! Yeah, I thought about free. But: First, as far as I know, "free" now is not completely "free". You use some consumables which cost some money. When scaling, it can also make quite big expenses Second, you need to invest much more time in "free". Choosing from time and money, I would...
  2. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    Hey guys! 0/ I just wanted to post that I did not give up. My cash run out a bit, so I don't run much traffic and thus have not much to post I am working on filling up my bank again now, so when I will do this I will definitely continue my journey Stay tuned please =)
  3. mmosharov

    Follow me in my Journey

    Nice one, keep it up, man =)
  4. mmosharov

    Hello People

    Your nick reminds me jonn22, russian entrepreneur. Is it coincidence? =) Anyway, welcome!
  5. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    You mean my bad English? =)
  6. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    0/ Yesterday I asked Propeller support about "that" zone and why I have no traffic from it on my campaign with higher bid, but have traffic on campaign with lower bid. Turns out everything is simple but deep =) Support tells me that zones linked to campaign by moderator manually. Moderator...
  7. mmosharov

    Follow me in my Journey

    Hi Ilya! First of all, I'm glad you start journey =) I think it's right decision But regarding campaigns: 1. Yes, I think it's very unlikely you can get good results without prelanders, especially in such competetive geo. You should find some and set them up 2. I think mistake is not in high...
  8. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    @Aveathlei Thank you for cheering me up =) But I don't think I got some failures yet. Just some tests. So no, I am not going to stop =) Regarding traffic: I just have daily budget limit set up, so I can get more traffic if I would need to. Anyway, thanks =)
  9. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    @Graybeard what do you mean by "INDIVIDUAL" traffic? Yeah, it's zones, in another words it's different sites, on which people subscribe on push. So, each zone may have different audience, and it reacts to offers differently. The most strange thing here is why my camp did not recieve traffic...
  10. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    Today I continued testing bids. And result were more different than yesterday Propeller: Tracker: As you see, first camp (with high bid) got 0 conversions, which is strange, but second (with low bid) had even positive ROI! But again, second camp got higher push CTR, and I was curious about...
  11. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    Today I tested a bid influence on campaign and was surpeised a bit My initial bid was $0.06 (around recommended), I cloned campaign and set bid $0.03. I run on CPC model Here are stats. Note how new (lower) bid got 2x higher push CTR, lower CR and a bit higher ROI. I didn't expect that =)...
  12. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    I have done not so much test, but in my expeirence megapush works not worse than propeller, so even if there are more bots, i don't think the difference is so big =) Thank you! =)
  13. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    I think push will. I have more expierence with it and everyone says it converts better (for me the same). But I think to have an extra type of traffic is great, because: if offer works on one, you can then try to scale it on another if offer does not work on one, maybe it will on another So...
  14. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    Got it, thank you =)
  15. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    @NeverGiveUp thank you! Sure I will keep updated =) Why? Does native have less volume?
  16. mmosharov

    $50 daily with push

    Hi everyone! So I decided to go a bit more public and start my online journey =) I hope it'll help me to stay more focused and organized. Also it will be great to get some feedback from AM ninjas =) i've been in AM for about 8 months, so I have no technical troubles like setting up tracker...
  17. mmosharov

    Jumping back into Mobile Affiliate Marketing 2018

    Wow, just wow =) Awesome job man. Thanks for sharing your success, really inspiring.
  18. mmosharov

    Mobile Immersion

    I heard many people have troubles running push, like unstable ROI, volume and high prices. And me either =) So I decided to stick to pop. Do you think I made it for nothing? Anyway, thanks for reply!
  19. mmosharov

    Mobile Immersion

    Hi guys! Is Mobile Immersion still a thing? I have found couple of quite old posts about how it's great (especially in this journey by @Mr.Z, btw awesome stuff) but not much recent post. So, anyone is subscribe? Is it still worth it? Thanks!
  20. mmosharov

    Hi there

    Hi @xlovecash! Definitely i have agood time here =) Sorry, but no, I am not interested in adult (at least for now)