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  1. L

    Twitter CAN be used for business

    Just found another resource for you all to have a look at Why You Should Use Twitter and Become a “ChirpMarketer” | MarketingHackz
  2. L

    Twitter CAN be used for business

    It really is such an awesome way to spread knowledge about EVERYTHING. But it's also something that people either love or hate to do. Personally, I'm loving it more and more :) Its got me in touch with some of my own personal heroes in the Internet Marketing industry, given me and the company...
  3. L

    Yahoo finally on the up?

    Sorry! Here you go Yahoo! Web Analytics
  4. L

    Twitter CAN be used for business

    Check again ;)
  5. L

    Twitter ... follow me .... follow you ...

    You can add me too Twitter / LeilaPan or my boss Twitter / PeterCul there a UK Webmaster World group on Twitter?
  6. L

    Wordpress and Blogger

    Wow thanks Hippo, I didn't even know they were different!
  7. L

    Twitter CAN be used for business

    ...Use your own ideas to spread the messages – be unique! 6)That said, by no means is it deemed acceptable to spam your followers with “Tweets”* only concerning your company and how great it is. This is a sure fire way to either lose follower or not gain any. Add a human touch by passing...
  8. L

    The Google Algorithm

    Its a bit of a worry that people start obsessing over figuring out the algorithm too, instead of making sure that their site content is up to par. nice post though, I found it useful and I'm sure many newbies and not such newbies will too. I know Rand Fishkin posted something on SEOmoz about...
  9. L

    Why are signature links nofollow?

    I think it's more of a precaution against helping forum spammers get link juice to their sites when they don't deserve it..I could be wrong. I do agree that not every signature should be nofollowed but I can understand why they do it, if spamming is the reason. All for the greater good! (Unless...
  10. L

    Difference between SEO and PPC

    SEO and PPC are both part of SEM (search engine marketing) IMO (in my opinion). But are both opposites really, although using them together can give you good ideas for which keywords to target. PPC is probably better more for short term, SEO for long term. Gotta love the world of acronyms :)
  11. L

    Wordpress and Blogger

    thanks for everyone's input :)
  12. L

    Do Google Analytics play a big part...

    Yes! Especially on the social media side of things - spending so much time doing it should pay off, but if I'm wasting my time by doing something wrong GA will show me. (if there is no traffic etc coming from the sites then I know I'm either wasting my time or need to rethink the strategy)
  13. L

    Are you still using Digg

    Yes I do...and yes I do :). Although I seem to get more traffic from StumbleUpon.
  14. L

    Do you report to Google?

    I haven't but I would if they were doing things like using my content even other people's content. It doesn't sit right with me that people put the hard work into their content and someone else uses it without permission just because they are lazy. It's not fair to anyone.
  15. L

    Yahoo finally on the up?

    Yahoo! has recently released their own analytics tool so it looks like they are stepping up.
  16. L

    Wordpress and Blogger

    Oops! I just got this article in my mail about Word Press - of course it happens everywhere though. Some nice tips on how to protect your WP blog. New Wordpress Hacking Strategy Using Cloaking to Target Google IP Addresses : SEO
  17. L

    Wordpress and Blogger

    Goodo...Word Press it is then!
  18. L

    what is the your favourate seo tool

    For free keyword tools you can try Adwords' keyword tool. SEObook also has a free keyword tool (give you suggestions and performance data from MSN, Yahoo! and Google). For paid research tools there is Word tracker and Trellian although they both offer free trials and free keyword suggestion...
  19. L

    Topsite Websites

    I'm not going to help with ideas...but I can give you two URLs for help with developing the sites to be SEO friendly. Live Search Webmaster Center Blog : Web 2.0 Expo: SEO for Web Development Presentation and
  20. L

    Blog marketing?

    I think this could also be a very difficult way of earning money...interesting and fun! But difficult. A flair for writing would be a big necessity, but if don't have that you can still work towards it. Agreed though, marketing the blog is a big issue as well. SEO would of course help with...