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Tramigo  - OBD2 diagnostics & Vehicle and asset tracking niche program

Tramigo - OBD2 diagnostics & Vehicle and asset tracking niche program

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Tramigo Ltd Affiliate program
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Starting from 10€ per sale, up to 75€ on more expensive items
Minimum Payment
Payment Frequency
  1. Net-30
Payment Method
  1. Paypal
  2. Other
Referral Period
Our first affiliate program - meaning we will be working and communicating with affiliates , giving them attention when needed. Also we will be open and responsive to requests, ideas and different kind of collaboration if anyone has ideas.

For anyone researching our company:
Tramigo our global brand site - just back ground information on the company - this is not to be confused with our online store (big commerce store with integraion using Leaddyno platform for affiliate marketing program), as the ionline store is where the sales will happen.

Our online store caters to the European region for the moment and affiliates can earn commission on all hardware sales (site also sells SIM cards but those unfortunately carry such low margins that they cant be part of the program).

The niche is vehicle tracking, fleet management and GPS tracking of equipment and assets likeexpensive machinery. We provide easy to use and reliable complete systems to track a variety of things, either to monitor location and manage lest say a small fleet of delivery vans or just to locate your personal vehicle, your ATV etc.
Complete systems means everything is included, the hardware, the network connection (built-in eSIM's with - depending on product - either prepaid for 12 months or 24 months), software for mobile phone or desktop (again minor variations depending onproduct) and either plug & play installation or no installation required depending on product.
So easy to get set up and up and running to track your RV, your motorcycle, you car if you are a consumer.
Software provides variety of features including various location or speed based alerts and driver behavior monitoring and vehicle diagnostics code (DTC code) read & reset, resetting the engine lights on dash type of thing.

Products in the program include:
  • A OBD2 vehicle diagnostics and tracking device (complete system)
  • A durable asset tracker with 1 year battery sytand by & wireless charging (complete system)
Coming soon is also a magnetic atachment accessory for the asset tracker that allows you to quickly secure the asset tracker to lets say under a car for example.

The products are among if not the most cost effective products for consumers on the market as there are no additional hidden fees and everything is included, theprice starts from 99€ for a 12month prepaid deal (its tracking so it includes network connectivity in addition to the software and hardware).

Communication of USP's for OBD2 products:
1. Consumers are being deceived to buying products with low entry cost
- lets say 39€ but usage requires additional activation fee plus very high monthly fees (we will be doing a detailed breakdown blog poston the site where we explain how the cost structures differ and what they mean to consumers, happy to share info), Buying a Tramigo device means you pay one time fee and everything is included.
2. software and privacy: Tramigo software is developed in Finland and data is hosted on EU based servers, competitors typically not only try and attract with low entry fees (point 1) but also use chinese software with reliability an privacy issues
3. features: OBD2 devices are devices you plug into a car's OBD port to read the onboard diagnostics codes , some devices support resetting these codes and turning of engine check lights etc. You can split the engine diagnostics products into 2 categories
(a) the ones that are used in carages where cars are fixed and tuned
(b) the type that can be used over distance, and controlled on your mobile phone.

The difference is (a) is professional device, wiring (a) can typically only be used with a laptop attached by cable/bluetooth - these devices are meant to be used on the spot at the garage. If you google this type of product and see devices that have some small display & wiring its category - the price range can go as high as into a thousand, but you must be next to a lap top to use it.

The type (b) is the consumer product and its lower in cost, but compared to a this category often supports less diagnostics (DTC codes) features. These devices are meant for home use and combine (when GPS capability is presnet) tracking abilitu over distance using a mobile phone or laptop. Think father checking where the kids are driving. Tramigo leads this category in vehicle compatibility and DTC code support and features such as reset the codes. Vehicle compatibility is related to how old the vehicles are, the standard was developed in 1996
4. Security - OBD2 devices track location as long as they are attached to a vehicles OBD port. Tramigo devices come with a built in battery that will continue to transmit location (this is unique), how long the device transmits after unplugging depends on the settings user sets. Tramigo also ships devices with a extension cable that allows customers to install the device covertly meaning incase of theft, the device will go unnoticed.

Affiliate program & materials
We provide banners and are constantly working on more content and material, and are willing to support affiliates requests to develop required material if someone identifies opportunity. Materials and information are available behind the join program link. The program is powered by the leadDyno system that is integrated with our ecom platform (bigCommerce) the platform accepts creditcar and paypal payments.
(The program website Tramigo OBD Store Affiliate Program provides more precise details on comission structure and other details on attribution window etc incase I am filling some of that stuff incorrectly above).

Affiliate platform provides affiliates statistics and data + automated emails to help affiliates stay on top of progress and what is beging generated through their efforsts

Target customers include:
People interested in the security of their vehicle and family
Car enthousiasts who like to monitor their vehicle performance (this can be done from across distance over mobile phone)
People who prefer to reset their engione lights rather than pay for a mechanic

Communication of USP's for Asset tracking products:
The Tramigo asset trackers are cased in durable and IP67 waterproofed casings with a built-in in battery that can be charged wirelessly. The battery stand by life is up to 1 year, users can configure how often device transmits data and thus control battery life lenght.
The device is sold a s a complete solution meaning users get the device, charger and the device comes with a built-in eSIM that has a prepaid 12 month data plan and users get mobile phone software to activate device and track on their phone (or laptop of they wish)

We can provide additional information and reply to requests for information as necessary.
Comissions are paid after the sale is final meaning customer has completed purchase and payment, received product (we ship using trackable methods only) and the period for returns is over.
Tramigo Marketing
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Team Members

  1. Tramigo Marketing
    Tramigo Marketing
    Affiliate Manager