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Write GOOD descriptions when listing your affiliate program...anywhere!


New Member
Most affiliates who come to my directory to list their programs do not read the submission's human nature. How many times have you ordered something that required assembly and figured you could just eyeball it with out reading the directions. We've all done it before, but eventually (when you're pulling your hair out) you break down and read the directions.

You would probably be surprised at some of the "affiliate programs" that come across my e-mail for submission into the directory. Unfortunately, nearly 55% of these requested submissions never make it into the directory. I'm sure that is probably an average percentage across many of the human edited affiliate directories.

The other 45% is who this quick blurb is geared towards. You in my eyes are the cream of the crop for the merchants you promote. Any affiliate who takes the time to read the guidelines and spend some time optimizing their affiliate listing is a valuable asset to any merchant so good on you.

Here are some recommendations and things to think about when making a listing into any directory:

1. Optimizing your page for the search engines

....Easier said then done right!? Before you even begin writing your submissions go to Overture and find relevant keywords to use in your description, title and keywords field (when applicable). It's very important you do this because that is what the search engines are going to read when they index your listings. The major search engines are more concerned about your content rather than what's in the keywords field but some smaller search engines still rely on meta keywords. Make sure you use at least 4 or 5 keywords or keyword phrases (2 or more words) throughout your post. Make sure they are relevant to the affiliate program you're listing. DO NOT go off the top of your head on this and make keywords up....that will not help you get your page ranked higher.

If your site is listed in Internet directories, then it can also have a higher ranking on search engines, for example Google prefers web sites that are listed in the Open Directory Project (

If your web site is listed in industry specific and regional directories, then it can gain a higher link popularity score which can improve your rankings on other search engines. In addition, directories bring targeted traffic to your web site.
2. Pre-Selling Customers Directly From Your Lisitng:

Use personal recommendations. I can't stress how powerful this can be. Before you even list the affiliate program details write a few paragraphs on why the actual product or service is good and useful. The key here is to provide helpful INFORMATION to the end user. After all, that's essentially what everyone on the Internet is searching for. Give the user some good food for thought that entices them to click the link to the merchant. When you properly optimize your page (especially in my directory) it will rank higher in the search engines. This means you'll get individuals looking exactly for that particular product and couldn't care less about affiliate programs.

3. Gaining Sub Affiliates:

Basically the same rule applies here as well. Encourage browsing affiliates to sign up for the program your promoting by writng a paragraph or so about the affiliate program itself. It helps if your very familiar with the program but most merchants have an abundance of information from their affiliate sign up page you can use. Just be sure to put it in you own makes it much more personable. Be sure to provide the potential sub affiliate all the features and benefits of the program. Don't let them leave your page without being at least compelled to review the site. Think cookies :) After all, you never know if you'll sign up an experienced affiliate marketer who can generate a great deal of income for you.

I know much of this seems incredibly basic but if you follow those guidelines your listings will generate traffic. Using human editited directories such as Top Affiliate provides you long term marketing benefits. Optimize and personalize your listings instead of making them look like fly by night offers.