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Would this work for #1 spot on Google?


New Member
I've noticed a competitors has an url that is singular in #1 spot (it is not a trade name!), I have done a lookup and the plural is available.

2 options - (1) buy it and redirect to my site or
(2) create a different site, build links via article submission

Would this result in the site beating the competition? They only have 3 backlinks and PR0! Backlinks from directories PR0 (yahoo explorer) But the site has been around for 5 years...

Problems in my view for my option
site new (but google might "love" it and put it up there in pole position??)
time in building backlinks & cost! Could be done quickly with 2 articles submitted using Prometheus's service (Ive used him before EXCELLENT service!)

This tactic works on people typing in the incorrect url by adding an "s" as the product is refered to in the industry in the plural.

What do you think? Give me reasons why and why not...
I don't think a brand new domain name with no backlinks whatsoever will help boost your SERPs. Like you pointed out, it may help get people who type in wrong url to find your site.
If I was to use the same tactics, I will install a blog on the new domain, add a few posts, add a few backlinks, allow it to age a bit and then use 301 redirect to forward it to your own site. You will get SERP boost that way.
I believe if you "create" the site you will be better than a 301. Be sure to optimize well.
In order to get a good rating, i believe that good one way links would be useful. Two way links are good but search engines do not tend to value them as much as the one way links.

A brand new site may make people wary and search engines are the same with this. Search engines tend to link the older sites more; providing that there is good content and the keywords are right, a new site should do well over time.
Golden SEO rule, don't change Domain Name on an established site unless you are forced to in a Medieval Torture Chamber.
Golden SEO rule, don't change Domain Name on an established site unless you are forced to in a Medieval Torture Chamber.

Agreed, my company url is www.(dot)rsdarkness(dot)com

and i have had it established for a while now. I got the URL from "A Friend"...

I have used that URL for a while now and even though, it does not link up well with what my company does. It still have access to the site and that is how clients get to the site and also refer people there.


amazon(dot)com does not exactly project book sales, cd sales, digital cameras etc.........

However from an online discount bookseller, it has grown to be by far the biggest selling site in the world.

To my mind, it is just as important that domain name is memorable and easily passed on verbally as most other parrameters.
The advice of not redirecting and if you are going to do this project start a new site I believe is the right way to go.

The key is not to do too much too quick. If this is a mid to long term project then I think it could work, as I have done it before myself.

However, if you work too hard at it, send too many links too early. I.e multi article submition, Google would question why so much activity for anew site, so let it age before you send anything there in any quantity.

Dont stop working on your existing site and do not use the same content, that way they may be able to compliment each other and in time, you may benefit from these links also.

My third observation is another mistake I did. If you do not buy this domain, it is only a matter of time before someone else will! Then you may have another competitor.
Better to redirect on your site , promote your site well. if you redirect on your site after some time when google update pr will go down and link will also have bad impact

so better to redirect , optimize your site very well