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WordPress For Beginners

WordPress is something that I came here to hopefully learn more about and the blogging in general I need to add it to my game plan so thank you for this information will put it to good use. Really want to be able to customize my themes some. Good with HTML but have not spent enough time in WP
I think you'll find plenty of people here experienced with setting up, tweaking, and troubleshooting WordPress sites, Chris.
Depending on the scope of the question or problem, in most cases you won't even have to do that. Sharing the knowledge you have to give back to the forum community is the basis of 5 Star.

Start a new thread to ask specific questions you have about installing, using, or customizing Wordpress. We'll first try to tell you how to do what you want to do...

"Give a man a fish and you can feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you can feed him for years."

Yes I think I have come along way on the blogging part. Always did all my work on basic html pages but have 3 sites now up on WP and they are improving everyday.

Working with wordpress is a lot of fun (and it gets very "in-depth" when you start messing around with plugins). I've had a few jobs in the past that were way outside my scope of knowledge, so I hired a freelancer. You can find a lot of really good WP developers that way...but make sure they have a good record and reviews.
Thank you so much for posting thsi! I just started using wordpress and I like it much better over the regular HTML and joomla. I get lost in Joella quickly but with wordpress it's a breeze.
I keep wondering about Akismet plug-in in WordPress. Now I know. It is good that this plug-in allows you to manually check spammy or non-spammy comments. Other article hosting sites are using super strict anti-spam measures that many genuine comments are "marked".

Which reminds me of Ezine articles. Most articles in there have zero comments.
Wordpress is not so hard to understand how to use. It's a simplified project. Most of my websites are based in Wordpress! :)