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Will you take a look at the LP and tell me if its bad or Okay, or whatever?


Active Member
I have been using PPC to drive traffic to this blog post.
How To Stop Drinking Alcohol Naturally
and it is doing OK (not horrible, not good). None of the traffic I am sending to the offer is converting. They just don't buy. (So I am setting up remarketing in Bing, I don't know what I want to do with Google traffic yet)

I decided I might want to try another LP (a real LP, instead of a post) and this is it. Do you think I am on the right track with the LP or am i "off my rocker"?

» Copy of Quit Drinking Naturally

I am thinking I may delete all the red text (not the button) and only have a statistic above and below the button. I am also trying to see if I can increase the width of the text area. I think I would like it a little wider. Anyway, does it seem OK? Does it need a call to action?

What is a cheap or reasonably priced, but easy to use, tracking program. I am thinking Clickmagic. Wouldn't that help me figure out if Bing or Google traffic is better, which KWs are being clicked, etc. So I could trim the non-performers.

Also, Google Analytics is telling me I am experiencing a high bounce rate. Will Clickmagic tell me what KW the search was made with, what ad was clicked, did they click on a link when they got to my page or did they bounce.
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Hello! I'm not an expert in LP, but I would suggest adding some pictures. Something to brighten it up a bit. Alos, the CTA doesn't tell me to 'do' anything. It says 'help' and not 'get help now', if you know what I mean. I'll leave it to the experts to give you any more tips on the LP. As for the tracking! I represent AdsBridge. We have an LP editor integrated into our system, so when you start creating and testing new LPs it'll be easy! ;) We have a 30-day free trial, so feel free to just check it out. PM me with any questions ! :)
Good luck to you!