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WhiteFire Network still going?


Active Member
Tried logging into my account at WF Network (Users) but it said invalid login, so tried resetting password but my email wasn't found. I then tried signing up again but it said my email was already in use haha! I used to have an approved account, no outstanding payments but I wanted to check them out again.

Tried emailing the only email address I could find, which was on AffPaying but no response.

Anyone using them or know how I can get in contact with them?


Hey Sam,

Whitefire is still going strong! When we updated our dashboard a few months ago some people had some issues logging in, but there's a simple fix I can do on the backend. I replied to your email, but I guess it didn't make it through. I see you added me on Skype, so we will fix your login there!
