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When To Cut Landers - the efficient way to optimize your campaigns


Well-Known Member

When To Cut Landers - the efficient way to optimize your campaigns

We've just released a new great tool on AffKit. It's a tool that will help you a lot especially because it will answer a very important question during the campaign optimization process - When and which landers to kill?

If you are cutting the good landers you'll be losing money, if you are cutting the bad ones too late, the same. The biggest issue is that affiliates don't even realize how much money they lose and what mistakes they make....because they simply don't know if they made the right decision, there is nobody to tell them - "this lander would have been the winner if you didn't cut it too early".

We're trying to solve this with this new tool which uses complicated statistics to determine which landers has the highest probability to be the best and which you need to cut.


When To Cut Landers is a very useful statistical tool that helps you optimize your campaigns faster and more efficiently by taking the right decisions at the right time. More exactly, it will show you what landers to kill or let run in your campaign split testing process, eliminating the guesswork. So many affiliates take these decision by gut which often leads to cutting the wrong landers or letting them run too much, which results in losing quite a lot of cash, without them even knowing.

  • uses the Bayesian statistical model which requires less data before-hand to calculate the probabilities
  • you can use it for as many landers as you want
  • tells you which lander is the best(winner), which landers to cut and which don't have enough data
  • calculates for each lander the probability of being the winner in that particular split testing process on the long run
  1. Look at your campaign data from your tracker and fill the landing pages information inside this tool. You can add all the landers or just the ones which you are not sure what to do. Click "Calculate" and look at the results. You can use this tool each time you are not sure when to cut or not specific landers in your campaign.


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You can use this for banners as well if you have at least 50 clicks on each. On Visits field you put impressions and Conversion fields you put Clicks. This will optimize for CTR. Maybe we'll build a separate tool for that.
Great, will definitely try this one out! Thanks crysper!

Great idea with the banners. The problem with banners is, that while CTR is important, its the banners with conversions that counts, so maybe make a tool for calculating the best banners based on/landers/conversions?
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