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When AI Becomes the Search Algorithm ...


Well-Known Member
When search engines start using AI guided search, they will be able to better understand the user’s search intent and provide more relevant PPC ads. This will have a major impact in reducing your current search engine SEO or organic results.

SEO and organic traffic will decrease when search engines start using AI to answer queries.
This is because AI will be able to provide more accurate and relevant results than SEO.
AI will change ranking algorithms, constantly updating and improving the user's results, meaning that SEO will become less and less effective over time.

PPC advertising is how search engines make money.
Businesses pay to have their website displayed prominently in search results by buying PPC ads.
However, AI guided search may display these ads less and less in organic results (SERPS) as time goes on.

It's possible as AI sees user interaction, AI's learning from the data derived from user actions will allow AI to get better at understanding what people are searching for, and it is able to filter out contrived or misleading SEO.

So, while PPC advertising is still important for now, it is likely that it will become less important in the future.

What about privacy concerns?
AI guided search could personalize results for each user. It could take into account the user’s search history, location, and other factors to provide results that are more relevant to them. This can be good but also evil if misused.

Bottom line: The introduction of AI into search engines will greatly improve the search experience for users and provide them with more relevant and accurate results.
ai needs to be real time tho
chatgpt knowledge is from 2021
(google is real time)
& it cant answer difficult software questions
if 1 those answers arent in its db
and then 2 if those answers are wrong
ai isnt taking over jus yet
seo ppl need expert knowledge
thats how 2 beat this trend

Trying to beat a trend is a fool's game ... Roll with a trend or outsmart it if you can.