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What's the holds mean in Statistics, will they pay me?


New Member
Hi guys, I am just a newbie, currently I am running offers from adcombo, I got some leads and holds and cancel, But I am a little confuse.
In the hold session there is a hunch of numbers, what does it really mean, I get the leads in my revenue, but the holds is not. In your experience, in what percentage will the holds converts into leads ?
I believe this is a simple question, if anyone cloud help me out, I would really appreciate it. Thank you
Hi guys, I am just a newbie, currently I am running offers from adcombo, I got some leads and holds and cancel, But I am a little confuse.
In the hold session there is a hunch of numbers, what does it really mean, I get the leads in my revenue, but the holds is not. In your experience, in what percentage will the holds converts into leads ?
I believe this is a simple question, if anyone cloud help me out, I would really appreciate it. Thank you

Let me help you a little.
Leads (approved leads) mean that customers have confirmed their order by phone when call center representative had called them.
Cancelled leads mean that either it was wrong number put in the filed on the landing page, or a customer refuses to buy the product by phone.
Holds mean that either a call center representative didn't not manage to connect with the customer for the reason that customer just didn't answer the phone or an advertiser suspects some fraudulent leads and just verifies them. So it can take some time.
These are mostly the common reasons.
As for the percentage you are talking about, approximately 50% of leads are approved. Though, this number can be different from time to time as it depends on the situation: offer choice, geo, call center and etc.