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What I am doing wrong?


I work with one of LosPollos offers, casual dating, with my own pre landing pages, my ad manager richads that I work with, with push ads ordered for me 6 creations looking like messages from women, the user gets to the landing page where there is the same woman as on the creation and after clicking the button to offer, we direct traffic to south africa
6000 clicks, 90 dollars spent and no sign of conversion, less than 2 months ago I ran campaigns with this offer with a strict link to the offer and although the campaign was not profitable, conversions were falling.
I have a conversion goal set at 4$, I turn off any source that after spending 2x conversion price did not bring profit

What can I do wrong? Any tip will be welcome

thanks in advance
with my own pre landing pages

How old are the landers?
You say these are your own landers. Does this mean you made them your self?

we direct traffic to south africa

less than 2 months ago I ran campaigns with this offer

Something has changed in your funnel I think. Additionally, landers get copied and burned out. The funnel you have described is a very overused funnel in my opinion.

Have you done a sufficient amount of split testing?
Have you used an intelligence platform to see what is working for the offer and where it is working currently?
Thanks for reply

What do you mean that my funnel is abused?

And I did not do any tests, I had 6 Landing pages and 5 of them was preforming the same with ctr only one nas lower ctr.

And yes I made this Landings on my Wordpress server
WordPress is too slow of a platform for push ads if the clicks are of any volume.

Use a WordPress HTML caching plugin or make your lading pages in the domain html root outside of the WordPress install.

index.php -> WordPress install{tracking variables} <- free standing html landing page

Are only about ~10% of your ad clicks being recorded on you Bemob tracker now (still)?
Okay I will try that but on friday I stopped a campaign and I was trying to figure out how to fix that, only thing I did was adding bemob pixel to Landing and all clicks was tracking correctly then, I dont know why is like that
What sites you are using for Landing pages?
I make my own custom landing pages and host them on my own domains.
I know how to code HTML,CSS,PHP other to make the landing pages --I am not the example for beginners I what been coding for 20 years.

Best shot is to buy a template HTML Landing Page HTML Website Templates | ThemeForest

use an FTP client to load the finished template to your server root

It might be easier, and more expedient, for you to use a plugin like I suggested ...

If you are not using a VPS server (or better) you may not get the responsiveness needed for this type of marketing. Cheap virtual accounts on a server (like the $3 mo type) can be overloaded or throttled --they are for very low volume or learning uses (perhaps).
What do you mean that my funnel is abused?

Landing pages get copied and re-used by other marketers. Because of the availability and use of intelligence platforms like AdPlexity, et al, landing pages rarely perform well for more than a few months and many of the very good ones may only be useful for a few weeks. the more others use the same landing pages, the less they are useful. Same is true of creatives, copy, angles/hooks/triggers, and sometimes offers.
Okay I understand so we must change Creatives and Landing pages regularly? For how long I should hold one Landing ?

Here is the thing, when using an intelligence platform you can determine when and where an offer is working. So, maybe you have a funnel that is suddenly failing in Africa, but the intelligence platform tells you of other geos that the offer is working well. Sometimes you just need to change the target geo.

Split testing is what tells you if a portion of your funnel is failing. You see, it is like driving car and suddenly it has a failure like a flat tire, or a bad thermostat, or maybe a clogged fuel filter. The rest of the car is fine, but one of the elements that makes it work fails and needs replacement. Once replaced, the rest vehicle is falls into place and functions correctly again. This is why split testing is so very damn important.
Perfect thank you, it sounds interesting can you tell me more about this testing? How to do that, with what budget etc? How you are doing it
Split testing means using many variations of the ads, the copy, the landers, and the angles, hooks, and triggers. Having many variations and testing them in many variations of the funnels will identify which of them work best and which of them perform poorly. With this information we can structure winning funnels more efficiently and quickly.
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Landing pages get copied and re-used by other marketers.
That may be but also; when you run an ad for a while (time), its visual impact will be blurred or ignored by any audience that you segment or whitelist. I have noticed substantial decline (as much as 50%) in a week or two of an ad run.

So I either have to widen my audience or change my ad's visual of offer content (text).
Do you have strict rules on how to test offers? SOI DOI
I mean:
-100 clicks to lp if no conversion pause
or if payout $2,5 and $25 usd spent and no conversions turn off campaign
What you think?
when you run an ad for a while (time), its visual impact will be blurred or ignored

Yeah, I should have mentioned that too. Banner blindness is there along side lander exhaustion, copy exhaustion, etc., etc. Funnels, and their moving parts wear out. I did address this without saying it. I said when the funnel(s) stop working in one geo it may still be valid in other geos. I should have expanded on this because your point is definitely part of what needed to be said.
Maybe the landing page itself isn't selling the offer. Users might click expecting something yet get something else. Make sure the landing page clearly matches the message in the push notification, same woman or same vibe.