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What are you SEO Tips ?


Hi Guys & Girls,

I'm wondering what are you SEO tips to be sure to your site (adult site in this matter) will be indexed good at the search engines? I already got my list:

1. Have unique content (text)
2. H1 & H2 usage
3. Make usage of Alt-tags for images.
4. Make usage of SSL connection for the whole site
5. Use CDN service
6. Optimises tags/keywords based on competitors
7. Have a fast website
8. Sitemap upload to Google/Bing/Yandex
9. Have responsive website
10. High quality videos, no 240p stuff.
11. Meta-data usage
12. Add Contact/Privacy/Terms&Conditions pages
13. Schema markup adding
14. Minify code

If you have any tips missing, let me know :D
Voluntary (spontaneous) user backlinks = earned SEO
That is the most important element in today's algorithms.

It also the hardest thing to achieve.
It's become (and really always has been) a site popularity contest.
With todays AI and DNS analysis -- it's harder to fool the ElGoog.
Google DNS is a Trojan horse ;)
The best on page and off page SEO techniques for higher rankings are:

1. On page:
Keyword research
Meta tags and title
Meta description
Robots.txt file
Sitemap generation
Content development
Image optimization

2. Off page:
Guest posting
Article submission
Press release submission
Social bookmarks
Classified ads
Infographics submission
Social media optimization
Your #7 should be your #1.
Your #5 is not mandatory.

Social bookmarks are dead. Ignore that one.
Where would you suggest me to submit a press release?
The 10 Most Important SEO Tips You Need to Know

    • Remove anything that slows down your site. ...
    • Link to other websites with relevant content. ...
    • Write for humans first, search engines second. ...
    • Encourage other trustworthy sites to link to you. ...
    • Have web analytics in place at the start. ...
    • Write unique and relevant meta descriptions for every page.
The 10 Most Important SEO Tips You Need to Know

    • Remove anything that slows down your site. ...
    • Link to other websites with relevant content. ...
    • Write for humans first, search engines second. ...
    • Encourage other trustworthy sites to link to you. ...
    • Have web analytics in place at the start. ...
    • Write unique and relevant meta descriptions for every page.

I'm sure Neil Patel will be flattered that you took this from his site.
Page speed (load time) has become more important with mobile device browsing.
You can use media queries to lighten content load times for mobile devices -- elGoog has become anal about this and both Google and Bing are using mobile compatibility indexing bots today.

This is a part of *responsive* design also -- not just making things fit.
you got here very good answers, the most important is to write a great and unique content that will help people to get an answer to there query! write a good content add you KW's + good backlinks and avoid spam!
Good luck!
There are 8 SEO Tips.
  1. Pick a good keyword to focus on keyword
  2. Research the competition
  3. Write the best content
  4. Put the keyword in your page title
  5. Put the keyword in your header
  6. Put the keyword in the name and alt-tag of your image
  7. Use the keyword in the URL and in the post
  8. Insert internal links.