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What are the better ways to improve Google Page Rank and Alexa Rank?

M.U.M. Abdul Maleque

New Member
Page Rank and Alexa Rank are two important indicators to judge the quality and the popularity respectively of a website. Search Engines results are also influenced significantly on these two indicators.

Kindly suggest as to what are the best ways to improve the Page Rank and Alexa Rank of a website in the short run?
According to my opinion nowadays google doesn't consider page rank, it will consider only alexa rank. To improve alexa rank you have to increase your website traffic by Social media sharing as well as Focus on both SEO On page techniques as well as SEO Off page techniques.
The best way for Alexa ranking is "content". You can control your Alexa ranking by writing good content. It is not completely truth that Alexa only depends on traffic, content is also a main reason for Alexa. Pause spammy link building and start content marketing like blog posting, blog marketing, Forums, QnAs, Blog commenting, Social media publishing, sharing etc. It can help you get genuine visitors to your site and also it helps to control your website's bounce rate.
now Google stop to update page rank and now Alexa rank is most important for every Blog or websites
Content marketing and Social media marketing is best way of increase keyword ranking and Alexa ranking..
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Alexa is a ranking system which ranks your website on the basis of traffic of your website, so, by increasing of websites traffic will help you to increase website's alexa rank. I was successful at promoting my site using
social sharing sites like FB, google plus, linkedin
comments on technology blogs, especially on drupal
answering on quora, etc
writing high quality content, and thus attracting more visitors.
To increase alexa rank you need to promote your products and services in social media from this you need to increase traffic to the website and need to participate regularly in SEO you need to create more backlinks to the website. From this techniques you can increase alexa rank and now page rank is not considered by google it has stopped providing page rank.