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What’s your biggest frustration when buying design services for your business?

Most of clients are frustrated when they are not getting design according to business needs and even they are not providing support for changes. Some agencies are changing for each changes which makes a client more frustrated. I have similar experience when I assign a logo design for my business to a design agency and they have not created the logo which I was expecting. I have communicated various time for the logo design but all were in vain because they were unable to give me the business logo.
I gather the logo requirement in detail and create logo samples to submit to my clients and work on the changes. However, completing the logo design will take some time. I never take logo work unless the requirement is clear.
I have very limited design skills and am always unable to answer the questions a designer will ask colors, style, what images ect.

I prefer when the designer is able to go off on their own with the topic, theme colors and name and produce something awesome even if it costs more then normal.

Nowadays it's harder and harder to find designers which will go out and do the design research as well the design itself.