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Voluum or Thrive?

Try both, as they offer free trials. Haven't used thrive yet but fucking love Voluum siince it makes mobile/desktop tracking so damn easy. Besides they give you 100,000 free clicks/month even if you don't upgrade, if you don't make money on those, sorry but you probably never will.

Cheers and good luck though :cool:
Thanks @djcrunk for the mention. Our platform is very newbie friendly and we have a 30 day free trial. There are a ton of tutorials accessible from within the app that go over each part of the tracker.

Here's a video we just uploaded on creating your first campaign:

One note on Volum's free plan. Under that plan, you have to use their own tracking domain or something. This is a domain that's been used by hundreds of affiliates already having been used for who-knows-what kind of campaigns and have likely been flagged numerous times by various traffic sources, networks, and advertisers, so I would be careful in using the free domain but rather use your own custom domain.

If you have specific questions about Thrive or a quick comparison, we have a AMA page here:
Ask Me Anything - THRIVE Tracking Platform (The Ultimate Web & Mobile Tracker) | Affiliate Marketing Forum | AffiliateFix

One thing I know that people like over Volum is that Thrive allows you to update historical costs via entering a total spend or CPC value for a campaign so your spend/ROI match up.
Just bgetting into marketing like this and hear these two trackers mentioned but which is best for newbie like me?
If you're just starting out with affiliate marketing then you won't want to deal with managing your own server/hosting on top of that. Our platform is 100% free to start using and you don't need to add any payment details - it literally takes 2 minutes to get your account up and running.

On the Noobie plan we frequently add a new tracking domain so the flagging Tom mentioned is not an issue. Start free, and scale up - good luck!
Holy f... I love it when 2 already great services compete to become even better for us users and keep our business hehe, you gotta love free market. Any of you guys need media buyers? I may do it just for the fun lol, don't mind me, please continue...

May the best tracker #winning

BTW Did you guys know Adsbridge has a landing page builder? I'm just saying, haven't even tried it :p

PS. Voluum I <3 your SaaS and gladly pay for it, but Y U NO have a nerdy pin up model in your ads instead of a guy that looks like this...


I guess fb's a bitch uh? lol
@djcrunk Very true. Us competing is only good for everyone else. Robert and Volum has a good product, and I have a lot of respect. I'm not familiar with the guys at Adsbridge, but based on what I know (and someone unbiased can correct me if I'm wrong) Adsbridge is owned by Clickdealer, a major affiliate network, just branded separately to distance from Clickdealer. I can't speak on the quality of the product, but if I was an affiliate, I would not run all that data through an affiliate network since they have full visibility into what offers you're running from what network, etc. I think that's just fair warning.

Also, we do have an affiliate program for Thrive that pays 15% revenue share in perpetuity. We have a couple of people now actually starting to buy ads to their referral links.
@djcrunk Very true. Us competing is only good for everyone else. Robert and Volum has a good product, and I have a lot of respect. I'm not familiar with the guys at Adsbridge, but based on what I know (and someone unbiased can correct me if I'm wrong) Adsbridge is owned by Clickdealer, a major affiliate network, just branded separately to distance from Clickdealer. I can't speak on the quality of the product, but if I was an affiliate, I would not run all that data through an affiliate network since they have full visibility into what offers you're running from what network, etc. I think that's just fair warning.

Also, we do have an affiliate program for Thrive that pays 15% revenue share in perpetuity. We have a couple of people now actually starting to buy ads to their referral links.

You're not wrong, Tom. Adsbridge is owned by Clickdealer.
Although I don't think they're close to Voluum or Thrive at this moment.

Keep up the good work!
I would personally recommend Voluum right now at least.

But its REALLY Close and once thrive udpdates a little more I will hands down recommend thrive.

Thrive has better support, thrive has better scaling,you can trust your data on your servers.

However right now.

Thrive counts the bot views that comes from PPC quality score bots and phantom clicks in with your data, Which is a HUGE problem. Because it messes up EPCs, raw data, and more importantly ROI.

Now this is not a problem for smaller campaigns but if you are scaling and have shit loads of raw data to deal with it can get messy.

Voluum seems like they have everything on lock down already.

Mediocre support, Scaling but costly, Self hosted (For newbies or people who dont want to deal with cloud servers).

Good quality product that they took time beta testing.

TL;DR: Voluum now and Thrive in the future.

@ipyxelcreations @servandosilva

I am not sure where this is coming from but AdsBridge is not owned by ClickDealer. Both belong to same group, but these are two different companies. It's not very professional to position your guess as a fact. Such statements seem to have only one purpose.

If we get back to the topic of this thread, I would recommend a newbie to use Voluum as it's SaaS in the first place.

Best regards,

My apologies for the misinformation, but I did not position it as a fact. What I said was:
"Based on what I know (and someone unbiased can correct me if I'm wrong)"

So the correction should be:
AdsBridge and ClickDealer are owned by the same group.

My personal opinion is that I don't think that makes people feel better, and it should be something you disclose pretty clearly on your product pages as, again, my opinion is there could be a conflict of interest.

I respect your recommendation of Volum over Thrive, but Thrive is in fact also SaaS. We've been building SaaS software for performance marketers for the last 3 years. With Thrive, we also offer both self-hosted and cloud-hosted options.

If you still have a problem with my statements, please don't hesitate to contact me personally. We are competitors, but I pride myself on integrity, and I don't bite! :)
Hello Alex.
Yes. As Tom said, the sentence had to be modified. Sorry if this made you feel uncomfortable. I don't have any reason to bash any company. Competition is good for us as affiliates and each tracker is doing what's best for their team.

I don't work at any tracker company so I just use what I feel better suits my needs. Thanks for the correction.

There are a TON of differences. I suggest that you take advantage of our 30 day free trial of Thrive to test it out and see the difference for yourself.

Here are some notes on top of my head:

1) Scale. When you reach any kind of meaningful scale, you'll notice that Prosper will slow down more and more and you need to purge your data, OFTEN. This is a common complaint that happens all the time with all other self-hosted trackers. Thrive can handle millions of clicks/day easily enough server resources.

2) Similarly, when your software starts slowing down, your redirects start slowing. Have you compared redirect speeds? Thrive has the ability to process clicks AFTER the visitor has already been sent to his destination. That's why Thrive requires a cron job. Propser and every other tracker must process all the click information (geo, device, metrics, etc.) before the visitor even gets sent to the landing page, which slows down the redirect speeds.

3) Propser's interface is pretty hard to use in my opinion, but it can't track offers and landing pages across the portfolio. You must enter each landing page and offer individually in every single campaign, and they can't be tracked collectively. Thrive has a drill down report capability that lets you drill down to 3 levels of variables across campaigns to see exactly which combination yields the best results.

4) Automation. Thrive is built with automation in mind. For example, if an offer goes down, Thrive has an offer swap function that allows you to instantly swap that offer from all of your campaigns for a different offer. In Prosper, you need to open each campaign and edit them individually. When the time comes, you'll thank Thrive for having these capabilities.

5) Track any complex multi-page flows. With our new "Branches" feature you can construct any kind of multi-split testing or mult-page flows:
Create Multiple Branches of Split Tests in a Single Funnel | iPyxel Creations | Demand-side performance marketing software and digital marketing insights

I mean, overall, there's just a big gap in product quality. I think you really should see for yourself as words can't describe it all.
Thrive counts the bot views that comes from PPC quality score bots and phantom clicks in with your data, Which is a HUGE problem. Because it messes up EPCs, raw data, and more importantly ROI

Due to feedback from people like you, we've just released a Cloaker / Bot Filter add-on module to THRIVE that should take care of the exact problem you're describing.

See our post on the release here:
The Cloaker / Bot Filter Add-on Module for Thrive Now Available | iPyxel Creations | Demand-side performance marketing software and digital marketing insights

But basically, it's a built-in cloaker and a bot detection/filtering module in one.

It will be able to filter the bot traffic away from the real traffic in a separate report.

The cloaker feature is very powerful as well and allows you to set a safe page.
I looked at both as well, went with Voluum first as I do not believe Thrive is 3 times better than Voluum but it is 3 times the price for their hosted solution.

I eventually went back to self hosted as I like to keep my stats longer than 6 months.
I looked at both as well, went with Voluum first as I do not believe Thrive is 3 times better than Voluum but it is 3 times the price for their hosted solution.

I eventually went back to self hosted as I like to keep my stats longer than 6 months.

Our minimum price is $299/mo for the hosted solution, and that is only because we want to limit the number of users so we can provide the best service possible for our managed clients.

At the same click volumes, we will always beat Volume's price, and at high click volumes, we will be up to 50% less expensive. I think anyone will agree that is a big margin. We simply did not want hosted clients in the $99 range since our Thrive self-hosted package can easily cover all the needs at that level.

Have you given Thrive a shot? We do have our 30 day free trial.
i wanted to try thrive but this guy called tom's language is nasty he dont care of customers and abuse too much such as pain in ass and so on. all of his comments every where he is trying to say thrive is better then any tracker in the world which is a lie. on 50% cheaper clicks then any tracker is also a big lie. you dont want too many customers on hosted solution then why should u offer hosted solution.

buying a tracker from you 99$ a month and self hosted what make you different.

so if we go hosted with you same issue. you cab defiantly steal our data not so ?

when you marketing your own stuff dont neglect others by silly words.

learn how to respect your customers even if they are angry with you.
Dude, this two both are expensive, you may want to find a free tracker for new player, I suggest you give a try on Newbidder, it is a totally free tracker with unlimited event, you can try as much as possible campaigns you want. ;)

good luck on your tracker, You need newbies on it. we are not talking about expancive or cheaper here.

an experienced marketer would not try free tracker for campaigns due to privacy.

Defiantly we don't want our campaigns to be stolen.
Dude, this two both are expensive, you may want to find a free tracker for new player, I suggest you give a try on Newbidder, it is a totally free tracker with unlimited event, you can try as much as possible campaigns you want. ;)

Looks like the only purpose you joined this forum is to promote NewBidder. Why don't you apply and add it to official resources, if you are related to it