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Voluum-Bing can someone answer a couple small questions

Pfew setting this whole tracking up makes me feel like a noob all over again.

I got a MB offer that I want to launch through Bing. I got all the tokens setup and it tracks the click but there are a couple things that I don't understand.

So for direct linking: If I use my domain to redirect to the offer, will it still track everything for example which KW was used or do I need to add or change something?

If I use a lander, same thing, how does voluum know the info for the token because the user goes to my site first and then to the offer, how does it still know which KW's were most popular?

Maybe I'm overthinking stuff in my head but I just don't get it :D
Hey there @The Lone Wolf,

While your question here is specifically about your Voluum links, this conversation will be the same for any tracker's links, so I will answer in the most general terms for that reason.

The campaign URLs provided by a tracking platform are going to request information on the visitor to your campaign funnel by cookie tracking. If you're looking to gather certain specific information about the visitor (for instance, like you mentioned, what KW was so valuable in this campaign) then you would append the URL to include Bing's token for keyword. The token used will be replaced with dynamically generated information, unique to that visitor's experience in your funnel, by way of a GET request.

For Bing, at the end of your campaign URL, you would need to add a request for the following:
And then the token would be replaced by the keyword that contributed to this click.
Here is an example of a ThriveTracker URL for a Bing Campaign (I would provide a Voluum URL, but I don't have access to a Voluum installation for an example, I apologize!):{CampaignId}&creaid={AdId}&adgrpx={AdGroupId}&bidmtt={BidMatchType}&keywrd={OrderItemId}&querys={QueryString}&mtchtp={MatchType}&target={TargetId}
You'll notice the URL can be split into two pieces for analysis:
    This represents the campaign you made.
  2. &campid={CampaignId}&creaid={AdId}&adgrpx={AdGroupId}&bidmtt={BidMatchType}&keywrd={OrderItemId}&querys={QueryString}&mtchtp={MatchType}&target={TargetId}
    This represents the requested information from Bing to ThriveTracker.
This information is all gathered during the redirect process, and then the visitor is pushed to the landing page from there.

I understand this is a lot of information, so please let me know if I can further elaborate for you.

Gents, if I may add something.
There is a feature called Autotagging, which tells Bing (or adwords for that matter) that your site / tracker accepts the standard utm parameters as well as the msclkid - which will allow you to upload your conversions back to Bing / Adwords via the offline conversion tracking import.

So you can theoretically add your url as:
And bing will send you
Code: the search string&utm_campaign=bingcampaignid&msclkid=02183092131l23j12j3l12k3jl12k3jl12j3

The tracker captures all the querystring parameters (values etc..) and then create its own "clickid" that is sent to the landing page. ex: 08as0dfa0sd8fa0sdf0asdf8
When the visitor clicks on the CTA and goes to the offer link, the tracker clickid is appended to the offer link.

For instance, if you work with


Hasoffers network

When conversions are fired from the aff networks to your tracker, the clickid (08as0dfa0sd8fa0sdf0asdf8) is used as a reference for the conversion and matched with the campaign attributes from where this clickid was generated.

Consequently, you will be able to see with which keyword, campaign etc... the conversion was generated.