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Virgin Marketers


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"These traffic exchanges usually prey on Virgin Marketers."

I maybe a Novice Marketer but a virgin? - Hardly - Virgin Marketers always have something to lose, usually their hard earned CASH. I've already gone through that stage and I have the Credit Card Debt to show for it.

For all you Newbie and Novice Marketers - Don't be anymore afraid to explore Traffic Exchanges then you would be in exploring Forums such as this one.

Remember - Never put all your eggs in one basket and always Test, Test, Test.

For those of you just starting out, take the advice of a fool who's been there " Put Your Credit Card Away". Nay, "Lock it up."

Until you have gained experience and knowledge, FREE is the way to go. Learn by doing. Making mistakes is part of the learning curve. Learning not what to do is just as important as learning what you should do.

Yes, you may experience dismal results at the outset. But I would much rather have dismal results and a healthy Bank Account then to have obtained a truckload of rehashed ebooks, expensive how to books or ghost writer fees.
I repeat Don't do what I did.

Oh yes, I did learn a bit but most if not all could have been learned for free by actually doing and exploring.There is lots of good info available and many experienced, good people who are quite willing to help you get started.

Remember, this internet is for us Real People - Not Phantoms.

Hi Jim,

Your subject line sure got my attention. What you wrote is so true. Too many n00bs get taken advantage of when they start out.

Just ALWAYS remember before you whip out that credit card...
if it sounds too good it usually is! :p