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Very pretty flower to share with ya:)


Been a while, sorry:( just been reaaaaally busy. popped in here real quick to share somethin with ya so I don't forget. lol :) A friend sent me photos of it in an email so rather than tryin to put it in here that way I found a link for it at youtube. Here it is:

very pretty flower
Hey PB, I've MISSED you!

Wow is that really a flower? How cool. The back end looks like a flower but the head looks so much like a parrot that it didn't seem like it was real to me at 1st. Had to look at a few pics before I'd believe it really was a flower.

Thanks for sharing and don't be a stranger, girl! :p
Wow, what a gorgeous flower, thanks for sharing PurpleBear!

Now that the snow has finally started to melt here in Montreal, I can't wait for all the spring buds to appear. :)
hmmm not quite sure why you wouldn't have been able to view the flower? I guess some countries do ban that particular one, so that may be the reason. Definitely was just a very pretty picture of a fascinating flower.

yeap, Larwee I searched around a bit reading all about it, too and evidently some have their doubts but it really is real. :)

"Hey PB, I've MISSED you!"
Awwwwh:D missed you too, Larwee and everybody here, too.:) Just popped in here real quick to say a quick Hi to everybody then gotta get back to work. Was uhhhh gettin googly eyed so pssssst figured I'd pop in here for a sec.

Don't recall your avatar with the little cutie before...let me take a wild guess:p could that be your granddaughter?? She's definitely a cutie:) really cute pic of the two of you.:D

Yeap.....lotsa buds opening up and this past weekend got to see the little hummingbird fellas finally. (actually think these were girls and not the guys) Don't like hot weather but love just lookin at my flowers For that matter uh I like lookin at the grass after it's just been cut. lol looks nice then. lol And.....of course my dogwood tree has bloomed. I love it.:D

ok, guess I better get myself back to work. awwwwh do I have to? yea...unfortunately. lol am always behind and havin to catch up.

missed all of ya and will pop in again later.....behave yourselves til then.

oooh almost forgot....hope your poor little hands and wrists have been feelin better Linda.:) Know last time you weren't doin too well.:(

rrrgh lol post in one spot and ya tell me I haven't posted enough now I got too many smiley guys lol oops almost put another one in....gotta get rid of some now.