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Vcommission! Beware (Resolved - Affiliate Broke The Rules - vcommission responded with evidence)

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Fakhruddin Lukmani

New Member
Vcommission is a total scam network to work with False claims of being India's No.1 Affiliate Network. They will deduct your Payments at any time without any Prior proof and their executives wont respond to you either about the status. It's a big scam to work with and invest your Precious time and money. Their Payment terms is Net 30 but below i'll show you their perfect payment cycle.

Process how they will make False deductions as per my experience or working with them:-
1) At Net 15 --> Your data will be validated soon. We have not received update as of yet
2) At Net 30 --> Validation is not done yet so can confirm your Payment
3) At Net 45 --> Validation done. You can send invoice and your Payment will be processed soon.
4) At Net 65 --> You have not promoted the offers according to our Criteria | Your amount has been deducted with any False claims.

You work hard, invest your time and money both and in the end you are just said that your have not worked according to the Parameters and Payment cant be processed. That's it! They wont hear anything from your end at all. Their employees are leaving them because they are not releasing the Payments to Affiliates and does unwanted deduction all the time. Team Leader of one of their Branches left the office and she gave me the Reasons " They are just making False Deductions and i cant work with them".

There are far many better Networks then Vcommission to work with who can be trusted for Payments but for Vcommission i wount recommend it at all. It's a huge scam and you should not risk your time and money in it at all!

And here is the Proof of the same thing!
Vcom scam.jpg
Hello, If you all see Fakhruddin, in the screenshots posted by himself, is saying "The issue is of current month & deduct my entire month's commissions" (translated to English for everyone's understanding). I am attaching the same again highlighting his words (in Hindi) in blue.

He was doing brand bidding on our offers which was intimated to him several times on email, first time on 2 June 2016 but he chose to ignore our warnings & continue brand bidding. We were left with no choice but to terminate his account & termination always happens with no pending commissions paid.

Screen Shot 2017-04-25 at 12.16.12 PM.png
Screen Shot 2017-04-25 at 12.16.12 PM.png
Hello @vcommission

Whatever reasons you gave were for my "CURRENT NUMBERS" and not of the number already approved by your Affiliate manager. If i did anything wrong then "why my payment was approved by your affiliate manager".. Dont say that you guyz who claim to be India's No.1 Affiliate Network approve the numbers of your Publishers without any validation. Shivani approved my numbers for August and September Month and in screenshot i have provided you that details... I am not making any false claims rather i am just demanding what i deserve...

If there would have been issue with my work then from where did numbers confirmation came from?? Shivani did confirmed my numbers and then you guyz backed out of it!! Hope that my point is proven
Let's see what @vcommission has to say about this.

The "proof" you provided states clearly you violated terms and conditions.

What she wrote to me was for my Current work and not the numbers already confirmed sir. Once your numbers are confirmed then Validation is done from Advertisers end and you have to Pay to you Publishers but they didn't related to which proof i have given.
My dear Fakhruddin, which company terminates or blocks your affiliate account by paying pending dues? Don't you think you're expecting too much by violating terms but expecting to be paid?
My dear Fakhruddin, which company terminates or blocks your affiliate account by paying pending dues? Don't you think you're expecting too much by violating terms but expecting to be paid?
Hello Madam!

My account is terminated because i have started posting about Scams that are there in your Network.. Otherwise your Employees offered me incentives to continue work and they said that the loss that i have occurred will be managed by giving me High PO's in future. Kindly check it out with your Team members madam of Mohali office whether they offered me a deal under the table or not. But i did not accept because you guyz are scammers and i am not!
He was doing brand bidding on our offers which was intimated to him several times on email, first time on 2 June 2016 but he chose to ignore our warnings & continue brand bidding. We were left with no choice but to terminate his account & termination always happens with no pending commissions paid.

@Fakhruddin Lukmani , it is obvious you broke the rules. You know it, and now we all know it. By the way, this is not a complaints forum, and this is not a name calling forum. Stop calling members and businesses scammers. This is a disputes & resolutions forum. Behave with civility or do not post!

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