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Hi, I'm one of those that needs to get his hands dirty to properly understand, but I'm even one of those who worries a lot (probably to much).

From my research on online money making it seems that the only two really worth ways to go are Amazon FBA and CPA affiliates, in particular paid traffic. So, I'm ready to start with the latter, motivated, ready to invest time and money, but the more I read/research and more things come up refraining me to start my fisrt campaign. Here's the question, can anyone suggest a proper, reliable trainer, coach, mentor or whatever else to give me a bunch of nice, structured and organised info and point me in the right direction? Does anything like, follow you through your first campaign option exist?
Good luck finding someone to hold your hand :p
That said, if you have a question that is narrowed down to some specific issue; many here will give you some input.
But if you ask general questions -- you will get pretty much useless cliche answers.

Maybe you should first invest in some kindle books about affiliate marketing -- a $50 investment in knowledge is usually a wise one.
Thanks @Graybeard
I've read a lot and watched hours of videos. My idea was to put some money into it and see how it goes but would be nice to limit the loss as much as I can.
Dunno, what's a proper course worth? does it even exist? I bought couple of books, and watched what I could find around. I know 90% is BS, I thought by keep watching I could stumble into some serious stuff. There is some good info as well out there, but being unorganized. bits here and bolts there makes things even more confusing.

I think I have a paid traffic source which is still a viable option, I've been approved at a couple of networks and I might have found a good first offer to promote as well, would just be very nice to have a buddy to have a chat with, someone trustworthy.

You see, not everybody lives in the US and have meetups and conferences to network and confront with others... and being a total newbie makes it difficut even to ask the right questions on places like this where soe good people hangs out and some good info can certainly be found.
How much are you willing to pay someone to limit your loss -- I don't want the job maybe someone else does ...

Aside:How much did you pay to watch the videos -- I am guessing they were free ones at youtube -- 90% self serving BS
I feel your pain, this is not that well structured. If you went to a technical school to study and got an AA degree in Affiliate Marketing -- what would it cost and how long would it take? AA in AM :D
Many thousands of dollars (or the equivalent) and a couple of years.

Friend, there are some people here that are qualified, by real experience, to answer some succinct question you might have. I have always found there are answers if you find the right question to ask. This really, really applies to search engines ;) <<<cutting through the hype and spam :p

Ask "what is the true meaning of life?" you will get 30 different answers.

My take on a lot that goes on here is; everyone tries to keep secrets that everyone in the know knows about anyway -- that is natural in a competitive environment. For someone new to the game this can be very frustrating.

As much as I know -- I have made a full time income on the internet for 14 years I am still picking up new ideas because things change very fast in the digital world. However, for 40 years I have sold things and for many years managed businesses -- that really hasn't changed that much. New people just create some new buzz word for ideas that have existed for many years -- and say: "Look how smart I am!"

Be like a sponge and soak up ideas. I have 30 or 40 books in my kindle library -- many partly read. When I get to the point where I have made notes on a few good ideas that I have read -- I will try them out in my work and see if they fly.


This is my office wall -- Procrastinate Now means: do something already -- to me ;)

The swan is from Rome, the runners from Athens, London is obvious, the bunny from Paris -- little trinkets I have accumulated ...
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