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Traffic Exchanges And Affiliate Marketing


New Member
How big of a role in get good targeted traffic do you guys feel manual traffic exchanges play? Is it worth it even to market there? If yo udo market there do you directly market your affilates service\product or do you market your personal website or blog instead that is content rich, leading the viewer to water then letting them take control from there?
With Traffic Exchanges you have to realise the main reason people are there - which is to earn credits so that they may get their promotions in front of others. They aren't there to read hundreds of other people's ads a day.

Therefore your ad (in the form of a splash page - even better a squeeze page) needs to be very attention getting so as to stand out from all the others.

The bottom line on getting the best from exchanges is to make sure you have all the marketing tools you need (splash/capture page maker, hosting, autoresponder etc), make a good capture page and use it to capture people details into your autoresponder. Offer a free bonus of some sort (ebook, a good service etc) in exchange for their details.

My tests show that attempting to sell directly on exchanges (and safelists for that matter) is much less effective that gathering subscriptions and marketing by email to your subscribers.

traffic exchanges are great for getting you, what I like to call: "Click Traffic"
Sure you'll get the clicks, if you've built up, or purchased the credits, but you won't see many product sales. The members are there to get their sites viewed and not to purchase products. They are only clicking on your link to get credits. Traffic exchanges are best used if you've got something to give away free in return for an email address, or if you're promoting a free money making program where you get a small commission if people sign up. Most traffic exchanges are free to join so it wouldn't hurt to try it and see how you get on. Try
I agree I think what workd best in traffic exchange's are free offers, zip code submits and free information for home based business's.
The problem I see with Traffic Exchange's are that everyone is pushing the same web sites and landing pages that you get numb to it all and never really look at a offer cause you have sen it a milion times.