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TCO study: Linux wins again

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Alexandru Ungur

New Member
An updated Linux vs Windows TCO study has found that a 250-seat company can end up saving 36 percent if it were to equip its users with the open source operating system and applications that run on it.

The study, by Melbourne-based open source firm Cybersource, found that even use of a commercial Linux distribution such as Red Hat Enterprise Linux, would result in 27 percent lower costs.
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Where is the rest of the money being spent so, Linux is free, I assume that includes hardware but not IT saleries,
Considering the software is free that should really be 10000000000% savings if they just compare software prices.
Staff saleries should be lower as well as linux admins are about 10-20% cheaper to employ on average than windows counterparts.

PS that article requires registration to view.
and I really couldnt be arsed.
I never said hardware was free, however if your just comparing cost effectiveness of linux and windows i dont think 36% is an accurate figure as it takes hardware , etc into account, which isnt really relative to the cost effectiveness of the software, wait actually I stand corrected, linux will run on cheaper machines better and faster.
Darksat said:
I never said hardware was free, however if your just comparing cost effectiveness of linux and windows i dont think 36% is an accurate figure as it takes hardware , etc into account, which isnt really relative to the cost effectiveness of the software, wait actually I stand corrected, linux will run on cheaper machines better and faster.

Where is the rest of the money being spent so, Linux is free, I assume that includes hardware but not IT saleries,...

Seeing the above sentence I thought that's what you meant. My appologies. After seeing some of your other posts I have no doubt now you do know the difference between SW and HW :)
Getting back to the track, hardware does influence the TCO, as you said "Linux runs on older hardware", hence lower HW budget is needed... hence influencing - positively for Linux - the TCO. Take into account that the study considered the case of "buying" a commercial Linux distro, just to make the comparison harder for Linux, and you *still* get 36% off...
You also need to spend a bit of money on training etc. which is needed when you migrade Windows users to Linux... not much, true, but some definitely is needed,
You know, Alex, I'm starting to believe you. The sky really is falling. And Microsoft will be going out of business very soon. :roll:

Here's a tip: It doesn't matter HOW GOOD your product is. If you SUCK at marketing it, well, you are what you are.

Debate all you want. Healthy debate is a good thing, right Alex? But you can't debate the FACT MS OWNS Linux, in regards to marketshare, can you, Alex? :popcorn:
Paul_KY said:
You know, Alex, I'm starting to believe you. The sky really is falling. And Microsoft will be going out of business very soon. :roll:

Here's a tip: It doesn't matter HOW GOOD your product is. If you SUCK at marketing it, well, you are what you are.

Debate all you want. Healthy debate is a good thing, right Alex? But you can't debate the FACT MS OWNS Linux, in regards to marketshare, can you, Alex? :popcorn:

I was referring to technical aspects ratfer than the bussines aspects, since I'm more technical minded. But thank you for the tip, but I already got to realize that on my skin... :)

As for the "OWNS" part... I think that the markets are quite different: Linux targets smart customers that understand the benefits of a real OS, build to be secure, stable and extremely flexible, covering laptop OSes just as well as mainframes in a coherent manner. People who want secure and stable platforms to be able to do whatever their job is in optimal conditions.

You bet on MS just because they have loads of money, or you bet on MS because they have a technically superior OS? Oh, sorry... I forgot, it's all about marketing with you, isn't it?

Here, I give you this link for your marketing thirsty soul :)
"Linux targets smart customers"

So anyone going with MS would be dumb, correct?

Also, how does the marketing dept. determine if the potential customer is, "Smart"? Do they perform IQ tests prior to the sales call? :confused:

Alex, go ahead, "Tech" it up, baby! :rock:

"You bet on MS just because they have loads of money, or you bet on MS because they have a technically superior OS?"

They market their product better. You only hear of Linux on geek/tech/webmaster related boards. That accounts for about .00000001% of the world's population.

Ok, now get back to sucking the Linux nipple. Or better yet, why not resort to your Google God...

:blue: :blue: :blue: :blue:
Linux or linux variants host nearly 80% of the worlds web servers, mail servers, etc, thats hardly .00000001% of the world's population.

The linux desktop percentage is nearing 15% in some countries like brazil, etc
hardly small change,
its a better product and will appeal to people who know better.
Paul_KY said:
"Linux targets smart customers"

So anyone going with MS would be dumb, correct?

Also, how does the marketing dept. determine if the potential customer is, "Smart"? Do they perform IQ tests prior to the sales call? :confused:

I don't have a marketing dept :) but I do have clients who came to me: "I have a Windows server (file server/e-mail server/firewall/etc.) and it crashes/gets virused/frozen/whatever all the time. I heard Linux is more secure/stable etc. I would like to try that...". Now those are smart clients that did use the MS family of "wonderful" products and got tired of hitting Ctrl+Alt+Del all the time, or calling for tech support 10 times a day... Now they barely see their sysadmin... :)
Ok, I'm Talking MS OS on PCs here.

Sorry, Guys, MS will be in business when your Great Grandchildren have Great Grandchildren.
You tech folks are too funny :blue:

Unfortunately, I'll be hiring one in January, so I better not post too much LOL.

Does anyone think 42K per year is, "Fair". I'd like to offer 22K lol, as the techies over here are BEGGING for work. But I want him to do other things, like answer some calls, take out the trash, etc. :brow:

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Paul_KY said:
Yes, I have about 5 zillions websites?

Ok, so you're US hater. Good! Well, actually, F :censored: Y :censored:

As for the dollar, it's a good thing, the dollar being down and all. It brings more foreign money into the economy.

Now, how much does YOUR country owe us?

Just because somebody does not like M$ in particular... or does not agree with your personal opinions, does not make him an "US hater".
I don't know how much his country or mine owe to US, but you definitely owe some respect to the people on these forums, respect you seem to lack more and more...

Louisville, KY.... isn't that the home of KKK?
"Louisville, KY.... isn't that the home of KKK?"

You're a real class act, Alex. :roll:

I'm sorry you feel resentment towards those who are successful, as MS is.

"as for the ammount, 22k or 42K if its US$ its still **** all."

Alex, tell me this isn't an, "Anti-US" statement.
Paul_KY said:
I'd like to offer 22K lol, as the techies over here are BEGGING for work. But I want him to do other things, like answer some calls, take out the trash, etc. :brow:

And tell me you wernt trying to push my buttons.

Religion and nationalism are the 2 Crutches of humanity,
My country owes yours nothing and more importantly I owe YOU nothing, now considering we were having a discussion about linux and you seem to know nothing about it, I would prefer if this didnt degenerate into a slagging match because you think you know something or have some point to prove.
"And tell me you wernt trying to push my buttons"

No Mike, this wasn't an attempt to push your buttons. I'm sorry if you felt that way. Are you looking for work?
Paul_KY said:
"Louisville, KY.... isn't that the home of KKK?"

You're a real class act, Alex. :roll:

I'm sorry you feel resentment towards those who are successful, as MS is.

"as for the ammount, 22k or 42K if its US$ its still **** all."

Alex, tell me this isn't an, "Anti-US" statement.

C'mon Paul, $$$ equals US in your opinion... ? Besides, Darksat was referring to the *amount* of dollars you were paying, not to the dollars itselves, so no, I don't think that statement is anti-american.
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