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New Member
Hello I am new here and would love to know everyones ideas on affiliate marketing and advertising.

Thankyou for your time!:)
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A Few Ways to Promote Affiliate Products

Welcome Comodo,

If you are just beginning your affiliate marketing adventure you can go about the process in many different ways. Blogging, e-mail marketing, article marketing, social networking, social media marketing and paid advertising, (PPC, PPV, CPC, etc.), are a few great ways to promote affiliate products.

I hope you find something that works for you!

I do not believe in Affiliate ideas anymore. Certainly, not Amazons. Now I found simple and smart business opp, and feeling great.
It can be overwhelming when information overload starts. The most important thing to do is start doing something and then stick with it. Affiliate marketing takes patience and persistance. Good luck.
Welcome! I just got started here in this forum as well. My best advice is to just start testing things out. That's the best way to learn!
I agree with the above posters - it's too easy to get overwhelmed at the beginning of your affiliate marketing journey and give up once it seems like too much. Try to learn the basics of online marketing in general and how the most successful affiliate programs work. Get to know the ins and outs of SEO, PPC, etc. and see where your skills take you.

If you're a naturally good writer/researcher, then you can probably do well in SEO, but if you'd rather get quick results and things of that sort, maybe you want to go the PPC route until you start to generate natural traffic. You should promote affiliate programs that you are genuinely interested in because you'll have to spend a lot of time on keyword research, writing, etc. so you don't want to choose a topic you hate.

And most of all, just know that results don't come overnight and it takes a lot of hard work to be a successful affiliate.
Welcome to our site comodo427. I am pretty new as well but take our time and read the postings. There are many postings that offer great information, make sure to learn from other peoples mistakes and stories.