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Ask Me Anything Setting Up Tracking Step-by-Step with Newbidder

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Today shows how to set up tracking between Newbidder, your affiliate network, and landing pages.

Preparation: Find Out Which Platform Software the Affiliate Network's Using

To find out which software your aff network uses, either ask your AM, or check

e.g. Networks that use CAKE: Clickdealer, Adsimilis, Advidi, Yeahmobi

e.g. Networks that use HasOffers: Affiliaxe, Aragon

Depending on the software using by your affiliate network, go to the "Newbidder + CAKE" or "Newbidder + HasOffers" part below, and follow the step-by-step.

Newbidder + CAKE:

1)Perform this step only if this is the first offer you're adding to Newbidder for the specific affiliate network: In Newbidder, go to "Affiliate Networks" > "+ New affiliate network" > type the name of your affiliate network > click "Save".

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2)In Newbidder, go to "Offers" > "+ New Offer". Copy the "Postback URL".

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3)Log into your affiliate network, click into the offer you're wanting to promote > "Testing and Tracking" tab > paste the postback link into "Postback URL (Server Pixel):". It will look something like this:

Replace "cid=REPLACE" with "cid=#s2#", and replace "payout=OPTIONAL" with "payout=#price#".

Delete "&txid=OPTIONAL" if your offer doesn't have an upsell (if you don't know what that is, then the offer most probably doesn't have it).

Click "Save".

TIP: Ask your affiliate manager to add this as a global postback to your account, so that you won't need to add a postback for every offer you run from this network.

4)Grab your offer link from the "Creatives" tab. Go back to Newbidder, the "New Offer" settings window.

Paste the offer link you just copied, into the "URL" field. It should look something like this:


Paste this after the link: {}&s2={}

So that the final link would look like:{}&s2={}

Copy the offer name from the affiliate network and paste it into the Newbidder offer's "Name" field. Specify "Country" and "Affiliate network", and hit "Save".

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5)Perform this step only if you're using landers: In Newbidder, click on the gear icon > "Setup" tab > copy "Click URL". Paste this url into your lander as the outgoing url that you want the visitor to follow to get to the offer.

6)Perform this step only if you're using landers: In Newbidder go to "Flows" > "Landers" > + "New lander". Paste your lander's url into the "URL" field. In the "Name" field assign a name to the lander. Specify the "Country" you'll be using the lander for (or leave blank for multiple geos).

Leave the "Number of offers" at 1, unless you need the lander to link to different offers simultaneously, e.g. sweepstakes lander with 3 prizes, each linking to a different offer. For this example, set "Number of offers" to 3, then on your lander add /1, /2, and /3 after the click urls for the 3 prizes, so that the click urls will look like:

7)Perform this step only if you haven't added the traffic source to Newbidder: In Newbidder, go to "Traffic sources" > "+ New traffic source" >

"Traffic source templates" > select the template for your traffic source. If you can't find the source under "Trusted Traffic Sources", click

on "Not Vertified". After selecting your traffic source, click "Load template", and click "Save".

8)In Newbidder, click on "Campaigns" > "+ New campaign" > assign a campaign name > specify "Traffic source" > specify "Country" > for "Destination" select "Path" > specify the Landers and Offers you want Newbidder to rotate > click "Save".

A "Campaign URL" will appear at the top of the campaign window. Copy this and use it at the traffic source, as the campaign destination url.

Newbidder + HasOffers:

Steps 1-2 and 5-8 are exactly the same as for the "Newbidder + CAKE" section above. Only steps 3 and 4 are different - as below.

3)Log into your affiliate network, click into the offer you're wanting to promote > "Your Pixels / Postbacks" > "+ New Pixels/Postbacks" > "Select a Type" and choose "Postback URL" > paste the postback link into "Code". It will look something like this:

Replace "cid=REPLACE" with "cid={aff_sub2}", and replace "payout=OPTIONAL" with "payout={payout}".

Delete "&txid=OPTIONAL" if your offer doesn't have an upsell (if you don't know what that is, then the offer most probably doesn't have it).

Click "Save".

TIP: Ask your affiliate manager to add this as a global postback to your account, so that you won't need to add a postback for every offer you run from this network.

4)Grab your offer link from the "Your Tracking Link" field at the top. Go back to Newbidder, the "New Offer" settings window.

Paste the offer link you just copied, into the "URL" field. It should look something like this:

Paste this after the link: &aff_sub={}&aff_sub2={clickid}

So that the final link would look like:{campaig}&aff_sub2={clickid}

Copy the offer name from the affiliate network and paste it into the Newbidder offer's "Name" field. Specify "Country" and "Affiliate network", and hit "Save".

Newbidder + In-House/Custom Platforms:

So what about platforms other than CAKE and HasOffers? Many affiliate networks use in-house/custom platforms. I'll use Mobidea as an example.

Again, steps 1-2 and 5-8 are exactly the same as for the "Newbidder + CAKE" section above. Only steps 3 and 4 are different - as below.

3)Log into your affiliate network, find out if there's a place where you can enter a "global postback url", so that you'd only need to enter the postback once, and have it automatically apply to all offers. Also ask your AM whether it would be possible for them to apply this global postback url to your account from the backend/backoffice. If not, you may need to enter the postback into every offer's settings at the affiliate network.

At any rate - you need to find a "postback url" field within your aff network interface - whether it be a global postback or a postback field within the offer. You will most likely see a list of available tokens for the postback. For example in Mobidea, they allow you to set a global postback. Simply click on "Account" > "Global Postback" and you'll see a list of postback tokens available:

We need to identify 3 variables for our use:

1 - affiliate sub IDs that we can use for anything - and we'll be using one of them to track the ClickID and other one to track the Campaign ID - I usually use Sub ID 2 (Mobidea has this as {{DATA2}}) for Click ID. You can pick any other Sub ID to track Campaign ID - in this example we'll use Sub ID 1 (which at Mobidea is {{DATA1}}).
2 - the payout token

In the screenshot, I've highlighted the two tokens we need. You'll need to identify these tokens for YOUR particular affiliate network.

Next we just need to put 2 of them into the postback we copied from Newbidder in step 2, which originally looks like this:

For the Mobidea example, we need to replace "cid=REPLACE" with "cid={{DATA2}}", and replace "payout=OPTIONAL" with "payout={{MONEY}}". So:{{DATA2}}&payout={{MONEY}}

Delete "&txid=OPTIONAL" if your offer doesn't have an upsell (if you don't know what that is, then the offer most probably doesn't have it). Reminder: You'll need to use tokens from YOUR affiliate network instead of {{DATA2}} and {{MONEY}}.

Don't forget to save the postback link you've just entered!

4)Grab your offer affiliate link from your affiliate network. Go back to Newbidder, the "New Offer" settings window.

Paste the offer link you just copied, into the "URL" field. Using Mobidea as an example, an offer link will look something like this:|...1&data2=Track2

What you need to do, is append the SubID and SubID2 tokens to the offer url, and use them to track Newbidder's Campaign ID and ClickID, respectively.

For Mobidea, SubID and SubID2 tokens are named "data1" and "data2". You'll need to find out what they are called on your particular affiliate network - they can usually be found in the area of your offer link.

Back to our Mobidea example: We need to replace "data1=Track1&data2=Track2" with "data1={}&data2={}&tag={}", so that the final link will look like this:{}

Copy the offer name from the affiliate network and paste it into the Newbidder offer's "Name" field. Specify "Country" and "Affiliate network", and hit "Save". And that would be that!


-Tracking of the Campaign ID is entirely optional. I recommend doing this, so that if the affiliate network or advertiser should ever be dissatisfied about your lead quality, it would be an option for them to tell you which campaign is delivering the bad quality, so that you could stop just that one campaign. Without tracking the campaign ID, the only recourse would be for the aff network to kick you from the offer altogether. You don't have to use SubID/SubID1 either - you can use any other Aff Sub IDs that you're not using to track anything else.

-I personally have a habit of using Sub ID 2 to track the click ID. You can use any other available Sub ID, as long as you use the same variable in your postback as in the Newbidder offer link

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