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Revisiting the e-Book


New Member
Four Hour Work Week made the e-Book idea widely popular. Do you think e-books still have an allure? If you were to write an e-book, would it be a free download to your site to attract hits and you would have another way to monetize, or can e-books still be sold? What is the right price for an e-book? Just curious what you all think out there!
Pesonally I think ebooks have a tremendous value even if they are free. You can give them free as an incentive to get visitors to your site. Also ebooks can be used to presell your product. If done properly, you build a little curiousity about the product in the ebook that you've given for free and you put your links to your product in your ebook. If you are going to sell the ebook and it has good information, like a "how to" I think $7-$10 is fair.
Pesonally I think ebooks have a tremendous value even if they are free. You can give them free as an incentive to get visitors to your site. Also ebooks can be used to presell your product. If done properly, you build a little curiousity about the product in the ebook that you've given for free and you put your links to your product in your ebook. If you are going to sell the ebook and it has good information, like a "how to" I think $7-$10 is fair.

Thanks nichegnome! This is exactly the information I was looking for. I have had an idea for an ebook lurking in the back of my mind for a couple years now, I just haven't been so sure that it will fly...or what to charge. I don't want the price to be so low that the material is not taken seriously, but I don't want to charge so much that no one will buy it.
Four Hour Work Week made the e-Book idea widely popular. Do you think e-books still have an allure? If you were to write an e-book, would it be a free download to your site to attract hits and you would have another way to monetize, or can e-books still be sold? What is the right price for an e-book? Just curious what you all think out there!

I think ebooks are really hot right now with the kindle and ereaders. It would be a great idea to write and sell your own ebooks or to even buy ebook packages with resell rights.

You can also be an affiliate to several ebook sites and make money.

I think providing some free ebooks along with padi ebooks is the way to go. You can get ebooks for around $1.99 depending on what it is. Borders sells alot for .99 cents so you don't want to make them a high price.

I promote alot of free ebooks then I add a few paid then I promote kindle with it.