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Responsive Design Landers AdsBridge


New Member
Anyone using AdsBridge pre-made landers? I've tried a few mobile ones but they don't seem to be responsive design and when they're rendered on a tablet they look crap.

Maybe I'm just missing something. Are there responsive ones in the mix?
Hi. I've been trying Adsbridge Landing Page builder a couple of weeks ago.

What software/page are you using to render the Landings?

They seem like resposive. But From what I understand the responsive design may adapt to the screen size. It's not just a matter of define a width and a center it. And that's what this pages do.

Another thing is if I'm not wrong you can't modify yourself the CSS. The other thing is how you can test your page load time.
Hi. I've been trying Adsbridge Landing Page builder a couple of weeks ago.

What software/page are you using to render the Landings?

I'm using my own android tablet. The lander is not resizing when I test the link. It's basically just centering and it looks awful.

As far as load times, you're right, no way to get a gauge for it afaik. It's been my experience so far, with a few cloud hosted trackers that load time is brutal any way. Or at least every time I test a link, the load seems to take forever. I think this may be killing my conversion rate.
Anyone using AdsBridge pre-made landers? I've tried a few mobile ones but they don't seem to be responsive design and when they're rendered on a tablet they look crap.

Maybe I'm just missing something. Are there responsive ones in the mix?
Hey papacharlie,

Thank you for your question.
Adaptive templates have an attached resposive.css file, which adapts the page to display width. You can edit this .css file as well as the width by which the rules of page construction are changed.

As for page load time - you can use any load speed measuring service and compare it with your examples.
Feel free to ping me with your questions in skype, via email or call my direct line, as a support manager I'll be glad to assist.;)

Adaptive templates have an attached resposive.css file, which adapts the page to display width. You can edit this .css file as well as the width by which the rules of page construction are changed.

@Kate is there an easy way to find the responsive templates without having to load them into the editor and checking the css?