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Question: Where did they learn?


Well-Known Member

Various artists are suing AI platforms --but were did they learn their craft --in a vacuum?

Really, it is cry-baby hypocrisy. Their talents are being bested by a machine. AI already has the seed to replace most of them.

Adapt or die ... If your logic does not surpass that of the machine --you will become ``surplus`` --that is just a historical continuation.


I think ChatGPT could become a politician :D:D:D
AI already has the seed to replace
When it starts to replace us regular folks, I hope they clone me taller, better looking and more talented. :rofl

Re The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas....I'd forgotten that movie existed, saw it decades ago. I liked Charles Dunning, really good actor.
I liked Charles Dunning, really good actor.

I think that's "Durning".

The Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
So funny and fun back in the day.

When it starts to replace us regular folks

It's replacing us now in some respects.

I hope they clone me taller, better looking and more talented.

May not need cloning in the decades to come. CRISPR is paving the way for gene therapies that may be able to turn back the clock on the bodies we have now.

Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats
It acts as a precise pair of molecular scissors that can cut a target DNA sequence, directed by a customizable guide.

Oh boy! How would each of us modify ourselves?

genetics genes GIF by PBS Digital Studios
I just hope you can buy body replacement parts that are man-made (AI branded) for an affordable price :D

or maybe you can have your head `jarred`
Rock Simpsons GIF by Copperstone
I just hope you can buy body replacement parts that are man-made (AI branded) for an affordable price

You know they are gearing up for this. We've been growing replacements for a while, though not any major organs yet that I know of. Ear and nose parts I've seen, but I don't know how successful the grafting has been. Now with CRISPR, I think that market will come pretty quick and go well beyond ear and nose parts. With our own DNA and CRISPR I've seen some vids of people growing an ear on their stomach for transplant. That's the only part I've seen any examples. This one is from 2018 and I know they have gone much further since.
Kidneys, hearts, livers, eyes, brain tissue, arteries --critical parts.
Hair, horse dicks :p, accessories --teeth, etc would be nice ;)
teeth, etc

I've read that is one of the most difficult along with bone replacement.

The critical primary organs though are currently in the works though. We'll see them pretty quick from what I've read. It's the expense that makes it out of reach for most of us in the beginning until it becomes a routine process.
I think that's "Durning".
Whoops! My brain knew but my fingers didn't, apparently.

May not need cloning in the decades to come. CRISPR is paving the way for gene therapies that may be able to turn back the clock on the bodies we have now.
I don't know whether to be excited or terrified.

Ponce de-Leon likes this post
Hilarious! Has anyone found that fountain yet?

I just hope you can buy body replacement parts that are man-made (AI branded) for an affordable price :D
A future affiliate offer?

or maybe you can have your head `jarred`
I've seen that movie, actually I have a copy - The Brain That Would Not Die

I've seen some vids of people growing an ear on their stomach for transplant.
Wow! The picture is quite something, hope it helped the patient. I've seen documentaries of facial transplants but I didn't realize they were growing parts from scratch.
I've seen documentaries of facial transplants but I didn't realize they were growing parts from scratch.

Yeah, it turns out that most any skin, or skin and cartilage, appendage is now grown on our own bodies. The number one benefit is that no anti-rejection drugs are required. BIG PLUS!

One of the most sought after, and getting the most funding and research now, is growing new pancreases from our own stem cells and using CRISPR to remove any anomalies from our own pancreatic DNA. Just imagine, this could ultimately eliminate diabetes! Some are saying that the replacement surgery is likely the bigger challenge of the two procedures.
Just imagine, this could ultimately eliminate diabetes!
That sounds more like wishful thinking and hope. It is easier to work on the environmental factors and the dietary factors.

30 grams/day is a lot :D
That sounds more like wishful thinking and hope.

Well, the surgery is currently being refined, but is in practice at this time.

Per Mayo Clinic
What is the success rate for pancreas transplantation? Pancreas transplant is successful in about 90 percent of patients who no longer have to take insulin injections within the first year following the surgery. After the first year, more than two-thirds of pancreas transplant recipients are still off insulin.

It's the growing of the pancreas that's at the beginning stages now.

EU project to develop a bio-artificial lab-grown pancreas. July 2020
Berishvili aims to develop a bio-artificial lab-grown pancreas by using stem cells and gene-editing technology (CRISPR) to grow transplant ready organs in a laboratory, a cheaper and easier method of transplanting pancreases for Type 1 diabetes patients.

We are much closer to getting it done than you think.
mr burns GIF

Pancreas R&R (remove & replace) $674,000.00 ?

Internal organ replacement parts are not exactly going to be in stock and on the shelf ready for installation in the near future. I should also add within the economic reach of the majority of people.
mr burns GIF

Pancreas R&R (remove & replace) $674,000.00 ?

Internal organ replacement parts are not exactly going to be in stock and on the shelf ready for installation in the near future. I should also add within the economic reach of the majority of people.

Yes! Spot on!

No doubt any of those more advanced goals we've noted won't be around at an affordable option for you and me, but I like the idea of generative organ replacement. 50 years, maybe 75, from now I think it will be a standard of practice covered by health care options.

I can see within a generation but with robot AI assistance the end product should be very affordable. Healthcare will be a right with universal access. Systemic change hopefully.
That sounds more like wishful thinking and hope.
True but it would make some big players a TON of money, so at some point, you know they'll likely make it happen.

My son-in-law's dad could have used a new pancreas, cancer got his and him.

I can see within a generation but with robot AI assistance the end product should be very affordable.
You think the kinks, bugs and growing pains can be worked out that fast?

Healthcare will be a right with universal access.
We have that here. Well, national access. Used to be good, not as much anymore, it eroded over time.

Using that as my bias based on the sad state of our health care here now, when they open the organ store to the public, you'll probably have to wait years to have the surgery.

That being said, they will hopefully have improved wait times and available doctors many-fold.
Yeah, it turns out that most any skin,
Oh yes, I forgot! Skin grafting has been around for decades (had it when I was four), wasn't considering that.

I do remember a period of time when they were using pig skin for skin grafts, too. Maybe they still do sometimes, I don't know.

Perhaps grafting is the granddaddy of organ growing.
You think the kinks, bugs and growing pains can be worked out that fast?
in better that 1/100th of the time from what I am reading lately ...