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Probably a Dumb Question


New Member
Is it possible to get your affiliate link, cloak it, then post an ad like on Craigslist or whereever--and when someone clicks on it it takes them straight to the sellers page? Can this be done without me having a website or blog etc.? As far as I understand at this point, the only thing I would be really losing out on would be names to start a list. I know a list is critical to be successful. But I need to make some money quick without all the other stuff first. Any comments would be appreciated. Thanks!
Where do I start?

Yep it's possible to do that.

Of course you probably won't make any money for a variety of reasons, one of which is the fact that most affiliate marketing companies forbid it.

If you want to make fast money, offer your services as a writer on a couple of web marketing forums.
Hi MsGrass,

There aren't any dumb questions. If you wonder, then I'm sure others do too.

2 parts to the answer...

1) Can you? As in is it possible? Yes.

2) Should you? ONLY IF it's not against the rules to post affiliate links and only if you are are very careful.

On Craigslist it's a HUGE no-no. Even other members will turn you in and your ad will get pulled.

Some places like MySpace have even launched lawsuits. <a href="">Myspace 500 Million Lawsuit Against 20 Ad and Affiliate Networks</a>

Sometimes these sites put pressure on the networks and the networks will withhold your commission and remove you from the program. So you could do the work, not get paid and get kicked off the network to boot.

So my advice. ALWAYS read the TOS on sites and if it says no affiliate links, then I wouldn't try it. That said there probably are lots of places that don't prohibit affiliate links. But if they are big and get lots of traffic chances are they've been spammed to the point of either not allowing affiliate links or just deleting accounts that post them.
Yes, you'll definitely get banned from Craigslist in no time. Although there are all kinds of creative ways to get around that, the fact that most programs will kick you out for it means it's nearly always easiest and most stable to focus on getting your own traffic through more "legit" methods.
I've made this point in other posts here, but I'll do it again for your benefit. You can start your affiliate marketing carrer with your own personal e-mail address book. Someone you know is going to buy something online this week. Why not be the one who gets the commission? Find an affiliate product or service (preferably one you have used or know someone who has) and then write a short e-mail to your address book contacts and tell them about how this product or service had a great impact or your or someone else you know. You refer good restaurants, books and stores all the time, so now refer something that pays you. You can ask your friends to make sure they forward your **Mini review site** to their address books too.

It may be small at first, but hey, you've got to make your first $100 in affiliate marketing before you can make your first $1,000,000 !
Hi MsGrass,

Another way for you to do as you propose is to try the free list builder program like listdotcom, yourluckylist and some other safe list.

But my personal advice are:

1. there are a lot of marketer using the service. So, your competition will be strong

2. most of the products are related to internet marketing. Then, you might stand a chance of offering something different.

3. your traffic are limited to that group of people only.

I understand it can be frustrating to start this business on a budget. But you really need to consider to get at least your landing page up and start building that profitable list of yours.

Hope that helps. :D
Not sure why tiny would help. It's still an affiliate link and if affiliate links are prohibited you'd still get in trouble. In fact lots of those places keep their eye out for tiny links because they are so often used by spammers and scammers.