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Gold Part 5/14 Facebook Case Study.



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CPA Evolution 3.0

Defining targeting

After picking an offer and deciding on the angle of the campaign, you have to determine what audience you want to reach.

It may sound like a simple task... and it actually is! But there are a few things you have to be careful with to avoid getting a lot of untargeted traffic and killing the ROI of the campaign.

I like to think that I have 2 different types of targeting: basic targeting and advanced targeting.

The basic targeting is composed by 3 simple elements that, usually can be provided by the restrictions on the offer: location, age, gender.

If you check the type of traffic that the offer allows, you may already find those demographics, and even if you don't find this information in the restrictions, you can probably use common sense to determine them. So, this isn't really a big challenge.

The part where you have to be smart comes with the advanced targeting, which is the rest of the demographics as well with the interests.

Your goal should be to reach a decent sized audience, but also make sure that it is targeted and will be interested in your offer.

So, let's see the targeting I defined for my campaign promoting The Settlers and I'm sure you will understand how to do it.

The offer was for Germany and had no restrictions on age or gender.

For me, the logical choice would be to go with young males, and that's what I did. However, testing with females could be interesting as well, since that would be an audience that's rarely exposed to gaming offers and could be more receptive (or not... would have to test).

Country: Germany

Age: 15 - 24

Gender: male

That was the basic targeting of my campaign.

Then, I had to determine the advanced targeting.

Since I was going international and targeting Germany, I decided not to use more complex targeting options to avoid making my audience too small.


Age of Empires, Age of Empires (video game), Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings, Age of Empires III, Age of Empires: The Rise of Rome, Age of Empires II: The Conquerors, Age of Empires III: The Asian Dynasties, Age of Empires III: The WarChiefs, Age of Empires Online or Age of Mythology


Console gamers

Audience size: 17,000+

Basically, what I did was to add as many interests as possible that were close related to Age of Empires. I started with a few ones I had in mind and used Facebook's suggestions to grow the list.

However, I just did it this way because I was targeting Germany and my audience could become too small if I added very specific interests.

If I was targeting the US, I would probably have gone to Audience Insights, would have inserted the general interests in the tool and would have used the more specific suggestions that it would return to me (AI usually returns very specific interests such as names of sites, magazines, characters of the game, etc).

Regarding the behavior, I could have an audience almost 10 times bigger if I wasn't using it (and I did remove it in the future for scaling, but we will talk about it in one of the next chapters), but it makes the campaign more specific (I know that I am targeting just people who really enjoy video games), which is good for the initial tests.

The more targeted the traffic for the initial tests the better. Usually if I am reaching 10K+ people, I go for it.

I like to test the campaigns with quality traffic in the beginning and then go broader slowly to scale it.

This way, I see how well I can do with very targeted traffic and find out what's the potential of my campaign (if my angle touches the right point and will convert).

I suggest you to do it with your campaigns, start with a very specific audience, maybe using specific interests from Audience Insights, and then test your angle as well as ads and landing pages.

By the way, creating landing pages and ads are the topics of our next chapters, so stay tuned!


Part 1/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 2/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 3/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 4/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 5/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 6/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 7/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 8/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 9/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 10/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 11/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 12/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 13/14 Facebook Case Study.
Part 14/14 Facebook Case Study.
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William, with either the basic or advanced targeting is that done through the same FB ad creator?

So I assume you do some background research - are there any other tools or resources you have to do market research?